
Comments of chapter undefined of Under the Oak Tree


alright my dude, I get that you're terrible at communicating ... but give me a break! Maxi didn't leave because she wanted to, and you being a jerk about it doesn't help either of you.


Agreed the guy if you can remember mentioned in season 1 he feels like running on a charcoal the moment he started wanting her. Meaning he always feel like he isn't enough or deserving of her. It was his coping mechanism trying to calm himself and accept that he is no good for her at the same fighting the urge to run after her. Remember she is now a mage. He feels more distant now than before. He lacked communication and it is eating him up assuming stuff in his own head.

cambiata:It's not as if he's intentionally torturing here. I'm absolutely certain what he's displaying here is a guy who either thinks he's been dumped or is about to be. His lack of communication is because he's way too convinced that she's going to do a "we need to talk" that ends in him being single. Of course he doesn't want to have that conversation!

I love this book but even I’m at the point where I’m tired of the slow burn. We need the love story now please!!!


I love this book but the waiting is killing me! it's unfair that we are paying the expensive privilege and we don't get an everyday update of chapter or even Mass release. 🫤


these cliffhangers are PAINFUL 😖 ... also hoping Maxi will reunite with Ruth soon!!


Maxi needs to use the wink 😉 and kiss 😘 so rifty can get his big legs over to maxi pick her up and have a propper conversation 😏 last war , they had one in a tent, and in the rain 🤭, also she needs to follow Annette’s advice 😏 if the wink and kiss doesn’t work.😂


I'm even more convinced that Riftan thinks she wants to break up and that's why he's cold and avoiding her. He wants to keep her from giving him the breakup speech until they're safe. New suspicion: Could Miriam have had something to do with the Ogres attacking Maxi? It seems weird that she's so universally hostile to Maxi, to the point that she didn't feel humbled and re-assess when she learned how Maxi had single-handedly turned the tide if the last war. And she's so quick to dismiss anyone finding it strange that Maxi was targeted. I thought she was just a bully but I'm starting to find her suspicious. Finally: Go, Anette! That is fantastic advice, and I suspect Maxi will try it out! She probably wouldn't have thought of it herself, but now that the idea is in there I doubt she can resist! For future reference and for people who don't have the countdown timer on their app, UTOT updated at 8PM CST on Sunday. I don't know the day the next update comes (I think it's Tuesday in my timezone), but I'm guessing it'll be at the same time on that day.


The chapters get updated every Wednesday, Thursday and Sunday on my time zone, so it doesn't get updated 2 times a week but 3 times a week.


I wish we can see what’s going through Rifty’s head right now. Bet he’s getting the wrong idea about her not missing him or something… Maxi you def need to jump into bed with him! *sigh when we getting to the good part?


Poor Maxi. Don't get too discouraged, at least try to TALK to him. He loves you so much, he'll come around.


😂🤣Anette is A W E S O M E!!! 😏Just follow her advise Maxi, see knows what she's saying.


Sigh. Another 3 day wait…


I feel like we are all Anette right now! 😂 She made hella good points, Maxi! Go get yo man!!!


New chapter coming today, now folks let’s hope for snusnu time, cause I’ve been waiting a long time for their reunion, and riftan being cold with maxi doesn’t suit well with me… P.s. annette is awesome, if riftan and maci weren’t already married, she would’ve deserve made of honor title …. Just saying


Annette clearly has Maxi's back and I'm 100% here for it!


I noticed that chapters are being released on Monday, Wednesday and Thursday. That expectation of 8 chapters a week is a lie. 🤡


I think Riftan is fighting an internal battle with himself, he hates to see Maxi unsheveled, for him she is still the noblewoman that he wants to protect and give all the luxury in the world. Let's see if Maxis father is somehow involved with the dark mages if they're targeting her... 😱🩷🩷🩷


This chapter is really sad…both Maxi and Riftan are hurting. Riftan needs to communicate better it is not fair to Maxi! It is not like she went on a great adventure to have fun! she was also suffering during the three years and missed him!


We are looking forward to this day but it is gonna be a very way for this. We shall be patient… otherwise I may just reread again from Ridibooks.


I'm getting so over this wait


all i can say is, finally, finally they're together, in a same place. when Maxi is in Tower and Rifan is somewhere in a place, i read this book like they're living a two different world. my mind is so tired imagining Maxi focused on studying and Riftan, with hunger and clammy skin,is longing towards his luscious red haired wife and the time which feels like eternity, thinking about his men and Anatol.... this chapter is good. as long as they're together,...