
Comments of chapter undefined of The Crippled Boss Loves Me


I think i haveto start over again Can’t remember reading shen hanxing was reborn


No mentor of her being reborn until the last few chapters. This should have said that in the beginning of the book🤦🏾‍♀️


Went back to the beginning Suggestive of rebirth 1. When shen hanxing accompanied ji ning to lin ran it mrntioned that in the future ji ning will walk the red carpet by herself after becoming a well known violinist 2. When lin ran’s parents asked shen hanxing whereshe learned how to draw and play violin, it mentioned it just few things that she had met during her previous magical experiences 3. When shen hanxing ibtroduced ji mo to lin ran’s father to became his disciple that ji mo will vecame a well known artist andhis famous work is theone that shen hanxing have added colors SADLY, IT HAVE STOPPED UPDATING AT CHAPTER 900 Still waiting for updates fromthe author


I was thinking the same thing. When did this novel turn into a rebirth novel. Think the author is now just trying to add more chapters and they are not making sense to the beginning of the book