
Comments of chapter undefined of Blood Borne


I love the novel so far love the Mac, I just want let you know something as some who slept with a lot of women. What realized a lot authors and readers don’t understand female nature. We man look for beautiful, youth and purity meaning virgin. This is like dream girl a majority of guys. But girl are different the don’t necessary care about guys look it the just care if the guy is masculine and confident info. Girl look for security meaning money even the girl that rich the look for guys riche than them or at list same level the never date down social economically and the look for masculine man meaning a reliable example, girl are emotionally being and guys are less emotional and more logical. So the need that solid rock 🪨 witch is the guy when they have an emotional out burst. Meaning they want a man that is masculine not not a 🐱boy that will cry with them. The want a real man that would lead their relationship not a beta loser that treat them like a goddess because if you do she won’t respect you no more. And for girls to truly love you the got respect you first. And lastly girls would gladly share a high value man than be with a simp that warship them. High value man meaning a guy that knows his worth and doesn’t tolerate shit from females. Also do listen to female advance they will tell you the like nice guys but that lie there is a reason the saying nice guys all ways finish last, it a saying for a very long time. So even if you goodlooking as a guy, yes it a plus but if you don’t got your other shit together like money and confidence and being masculine in general girl would still consider you a loser and bum. Yes if your good looking you may have a couple of one night stands but no girl would ever take you serious. So guys you have to remember in the real world girl are viewed as sex object s and guys are viewed as success objects.


I’m mean don’t listen to female dating advice


So the MC hates womenizers instead of those shallow women who sleep with them. Seems very foolish and immature to me


It would be good if you could read the chapter before publishing.


Sorry for the spelling mistakes it night and I’m really sleepy 😴 and wanted to make my point


Ppl be talking about spelling mistakes I'm as good as u I didn't notice anything keep up the work😊