
Comments of chapter undefined of Marvel: Breezing Through History as an Eternal


Write what you want it's your fic if the other doesn't want to read it let them drop for the love interest do you really need of love interest and it doesn't matter who she is everyone can't agry to one women and if you take more than one some people can be not ok . Hope it's understable i write this comment whit my poore english (je vais le dire en français et vous pourrez traduit avec google écrivez ce que vous voulez c'est votre histoire si on n'aime pas comment elle se passe on a qu'à écrire la notre)


Am I the only one who is kinda mad rn. It’s not the book im mad at. It jus how screwed up the entire history of the Trojan war is. Though, if you want to look at it in a certain light. Author-sama must be writing a good book if I can connect with it on a personal level.


Author please don't chance thena as fl the dynamic you built up will lost man


NOOOOOOOO plz at least let him have sec with thena or something make up an excuse like aphrodisiac just anything. and no gwen stacey i dont really think so. If you want to time skip it's your choice too just make sure to at lest summarize what happened yk.


He's immortal so he can have more than one women so you know that all powerful beings have harem so it's ok he's immortal and can have really good feelings for his wome and i love to bring black widow and spider girl and storm ect marvel universe has alot of powerful women lolike wand


I partially agree, friend, author, before we saw only the vision of the eternal, that is, jumps of 50 years or more were normal, now that we are seeing more human visions, everything has really slowed down, I have absolutely nothing against it, but if If you don't make jumps between each human iteration, with all the historical beings you want to put in your story, we'll probably reach two thousand chapters and you'll still be in the Middle Ages period, and that would only be acceptable if you could post two chapters per day at least, but a rhythm like this with the size of each chapter you usually post, would be almost impossible, unless you live just to write what I think is not the case, so it's really good to intersperse moments by important human people and moments like before when we would see the vision of the eternals where 50 years or more of time would jump like minutes in human time, and as I suggested atnes, if possible try to create the gene x, if the celestials did that the e suits could with all their knowledge and their ship, even if it's a secret mc project, get samples of beings like argardians, night elves, normal elves, dwarves, ice giants, beings that have earthbound worlds, and with this enhances new beings of life, create your own elves, dwarves, beast beings, like the mixtures that we usually see in Japanese isekay, of course all this in secret, creating somewhere in the world a paradise just mc's own, create even your angels, these beings would not be immortal, but would have a huge lifespan, since elves. argardians, ice giants and other beings that I told you to get genetic samples have an absurd lifespan, at least the mc would be able to cling to these beings and develop a kingdom or something without having to be sad that every few years they die, if the average life was at least ten thousand years or more it would be something to be happy about, plus the fantastic powers translated by the gene x, it would be a legendary realm full of miracles and wonders, even if over time the mc has to get a separate realm in a subdimension, as many realms even asgard itself are in the comics, that would still be amazing, it can take most of the vibranium of the earth for your kingdom to help in the evolution of plants and stuff like that, imagine creating golden apples to give long life, since there are herbs in heart shapes other plants with miraculous effects must be possible.


I'm fine with a new love interest and time skips, but please don't limit the story to earth. the MC specifically wanted to grow, become free of the celestials, etc. so hopefully that can happen and he can start (or continue depending on the route the story takes) to interact with the rest of the MCU stories and characters.


r u telling me that a diplomatic delegation has enough soldiers to kill a local kingdom's army especially a warrior leaning army even if they r caught off-guard.


I love this story of Helen's kidnapping. I have read the Iliad and the Odyssey and I always felt that this was the most likely reason for the War. So well done.


I don’t mind the time skips and I also don’t mind Thena not being the love interest just pls don’t do harem. Every single fan fic is like; “I’m OP so its ok to have multiple women!” Which is very stupid and degrading for women. Like some have a harems with Hela, Jean Gray and Black Widow and other powerful and strong women. But that wouldn’t make any sense cuz there are EXTREMELY few women who would be ok with being apart of a harem not to mention being cheated on without consent. Heck I’ve seen relationships turn south cuz a guy wanted a three way. Anyone who insists on haveing a harem has no self restraint, thinks with his d@&#, and has no respect for women... All I ask is that this really good fan fiction doesn’t go down the harem route cuz that’s the worst thing for this story. What Pluto needs is an Anchor, a good one for him emotionally.It can be whomever the Author likes, but again PLEASE NO HAREM.


Tsk tsk tsk.... what is the author thinking maaan..... I want Pluto to just arrive there and kill all them Troys!!!!...


Thxs for the chap


I thought he had connections with all his constructs? what they see he sees, I'll take it the cats just magically not around? that's a huge plothole


Tank yu for the chapter.




Red falg red flag red flag red flag red flag


... should have stuck with the events of the Troy movie instead, this is just stupid ... as if the troyians outnumber and beat the partans in their own land who are said to literally be a warrior race.


thanks for the chapter.


Thank you kindly for the chapter 😁


Thanks for the chapter


thanks for the chapter 👍👍