
Comments of chapter undefined of The Beast's Virgin Claim


I hope they realize their mistakes..both of them..and reconcile for them and their baby. Phobos needs to get over the quilt that Moira man died saving him after all he was a warrior and that is the fate of all warriors. they fight and die for what they believe in. they lay their lives for their alphas, their kings, their commanders, their queens and so forth. and their wives know this about them and agreed to be their wives. if they are spirits watching from above remember this is supernatural world, what would they be thinking about their wives getting drunk and kissing other females man just because they miss their husbands?! not an excuse. and phobos his female is right there and he allows another woman to touch and kiss him for him to think this is ok is selfish of him till now he is still justifying the action. he almost killed theia when he saw her with another man. regardless of theia's reasons. if they don't belong to you stir clear from them. stop any advances from anyone that doesn't belong to you, male or female. both admit to the mistake you made apologize and move on. alpha and luna should show the best of example to the rest of the pack. mates are sacred. Moira knew that drunk or not that phobos is mated to theia yet she made a stupid move that cost so much for everyone. theia running away did not start all this heartaches. its moira and phobos. theia lost it and made her mistake and got punished for it and now she's fighting for her man. if phobos beast can see Moira wrong doing why can't phobos and they are one?


the beast and him are one is what I meant.


we can only hope that this is a turning point in the story.


Hope Lumina's efforts yield fruit. I sincerely pray that the two get a break


Phobos, Empty words as the wind are best left unsaid. People can say they care, but it means nothing until they prove it.


Hope they communicate more


Ha ha, Lumina still helping 🙂 I truly hope this is the beginning of a fresh start.


this will be interesting .....Will she models those items for Phobos????........I hope so 😉😉😉😉😉


Where is your profile? Do you have any other books? I have seen this book and Deimos book in another app....