
Comments of chapter undefined of Reversal



Chapter comments31



It is really stressful to write. I spend many hours a day researching every single situation that happens in the novel. The army, Afghanistan, prisons, mafias, business, relationships, I even had to read certain bits of psychology, everything to give a decent story. Also, trying to make each character's actions match their personality causes me a lot of trouble, because they are fictional characters that I somehow have to bring to life in my mind. That always makes me think in every paragraph written. "What would Christian do in this situation? Why would Alan get angry for such a reason? What would Eva do after seeing such a situation? How would Christian feel if what I'm writing happened? These are hundreds of questions I answer myself before I write, which is why I am so surprised to read comments complaining about a reaction that I consider natural in situations like this.

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From your work, I think it's safe to say we can all tell how much effort you put into your writing with all the various scenarios you've come up with. Reading your author's comment, I think a lot of those people are misguided and would have a different viewpoint with some patience as I'm sure we'll get to dealing with the Alan situation better later on. On the other hand I can also understand where those people are coming from as it really seems like for Christian's IQ level, he's pretty dumb. I don't even know if dumb is the right word, but after everything he's been through and his tremendous character development, his naivety hasn't changed much and I think it makes the story a bit harder to read. Reading some of your comments and notes, you try to put yourself in Christian's shoes and look at his life from your point of view, which is something I'm sure we all do, but I don't think you can write about how that POV is a "fact", because how he would react would be different for everybody right. Like I'll offer my POV if I put myself in Christian's shoes these last few chapters focusing specifically on the Alan part because this comment would be too long to be comprehensive. After having been betrayed multiple times, put through some of the toughest times of my life, and I come home and find out Alan is still a snake with his attitude to seemingly have worsened over time I just simply wouldn't care about him. Cut him off and let him do his own thing, especially if I'm transmigrated so these people aren't my "real" family which is a thought I think would be uforgettable no matter how much time I've spent with my new family.


Comment removed by Webnovel. Of course it is in Christian's situation, he lived through a war for months, he was locked up for corruption. What do you expect? That he doesn't care and plant flowers? As for doing nothing with Alan's words, it's all based on Christian's personality. I myself read my novel when I write it, I myself feel annoyance with Alan, but you must understand that Christian in spite of everything, is a person who loves his family. He is not going to expel his brother from one day to the next, he is not going to hit him from one day to the next either, his way of being simply does not allow it. It's as if the next chapter I write, Eva will treat Christian with insults and expel him from the house because she doesn't love him anymore. Would Eva do that? No, she would never do that, because she loves her children very much. That's what people don't understand, they don't take the time to think about that situation. Also note the following. Alan is only 16 years old, he lived his last years in a Swiss boarding school far away from his mother, he also lived many things in his life, maybe not with the intensity of Christian, but everybody carries his own cross. Never made any mistakes in your adolescence? Have you never regretted some of your actions?

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Thanks for the chapter, this novel is great no matter what others say and is one of my favorites. The characters are some of the most realistic I’ve read, and while I personally wouldn’t do some of the things Christian would, but I could definitely imagine someone with a different mentality then me doing his actions. This novel is definitely not rainbows and unicorns with everything going right for the protagonist if it was he wouldn’t have been kidnapped or gone to jail and he would be a completely different person without the 7 sins by his side or the father figure he has now and that is what makes him who he is and this novel different from all the rest, stuff doesn’t always go his way but in the end he comes out better. You’ve done a great job on this novel and haters are gonna hate they’re probably just jealous of your success so just ignore them, cause from what I can see this novel is getting more and more popular so you’re definitely doing something right so keep it up!!


Thanks for the chapter Definitely hate Alan but definitely love your story




it's ok author chan maybe alan chapter not up to par of everyone expectation but 1 chap don't decide whole novel , we will see in the future what chris goona do as you say there will more chap regarding this , keep it up author chan we wouldn't read this novel if it's not good


hahahaha, XD


Thank you for the chapter, continue with the awesome work!


Obrigado pelo capítulo


New chapter please


Who’s kidding author I love youuuuuu and you novel lol 😂❤️❤️




Thanks for the chapter,but are We only having one


Thanks For the chapter but are we only Having One today