
Comments of chapter undefined of Highschool DxD: A New Satan


Excuse me author but i have to say sorry but i don't agree about what you wrote about Muslims in this chapter. you clearly do not have any knowledge on Muslims and have offended them all. I am removing your novel and reporting you. šŸ˜do not write about Muslims. thanks.


He wrote that Allah is like the big guy which is referring to Christian god that has died in the novel. Now you tell me can the Almighty Allah be dead or killed. If you were a Muslim you would have agreed on my comment as he is comparing both Gods with one another.

Boku_No_Pico:Bro, I'm also a Muslim, the author - san doesn't write insults against Islam or anything, the important thing is that it doesn't insult God, so... just relax, don't be too sensitive. šŸ˜‡

Iā€™m sure heā€™s hiding a majority of his power for a reason, but he shouldā€™ve transformed into his True Form briefly to show he means business. People like the Greek Gods need a healthy dose of fear in order for them to behave themselves.


I canā€™t take the mc seriously at all heā€™s getting involved in things that donā€™t involved him and even going on quest that someone of his strength and status should not have to do this a insult to his race as a whole.


Rest in Peace Aphrodite and Zeus......That Eresh revenge are sweet af


Maybe he can invite Hestia to leave the pantheon as well, head back to his realm


An advice from me for the islam part, rather than the same god as big guy, just make islam pantheon an outher one like exe or chichigami etc and the angel sometimes come to chose their "hero" in place without pantheon to help the People and never seen again cause most already have one or something which make it known that there is other dimension and the deceased come to underworld or whatever cause they can't cross the Dimensional gap (in islam the deceased come to the land of dead, waiting the world to end, then judged, finally heaven/hell) You can't really mix this two pantheon cause in islam we don't have fallen angel and devil being devil from the start etc. I write this cause some people might go crazyšŸ˜…, and sorry for my bad english.... Thx for chap btw...


I kinda respect you of giving the hera and hephistous a good tools to keep there husband/wife in check


He should have threatened them more like making them fear him by briefly showing his super devil form. After all base on their past deeds and stories, they have a really mess up pantheon.


So it looks like MC is about to expose his Super Devil Status to world, well it canā€™t be help the Greeks will only take MC seriously if he shows them that he has powers too wipe there entire faction and MC is in Top 5 ( Heavenly Dragon class) in other words heā€™s stronger then Hades and Sirzechs , honestly Iā€™m looking forward to see old geezers reaction when they here that MC is a Super Devil , they will definitely be more frightened of him and not mention heā€™s stronger then Sirzechs and just imagine on the first Rating Games they see his peerage all of them either in Ultimate class or Satan/ God class and even that old fox Zekram will definitely start to fear MC not only he is Super Devil and has powerful peerage members but also has huge influence and has connections with not only with devils in different Noble Houses but also with people from different Factions , MC is basically someone that Zekram canā€™t afford to provoke


Really satisfying chap. Thanks~!


I am just gonna dump all of the questions that have been piling on me for a while now. Question, has Jeanne broke through Satan Class yet? If not when will she, I meant it has been quite a while since she said that she might break through after being trained by Scathach, and her potential has been freed by the MC since long ago, so she has got to be close to that break through to Satan Class by now right, I mean she does have great potential. Or is it because she is a holy and demonic power mixture holder that is delaying her advancement because it is harder to break through as a holy and demonic mixture power holder? Earlier it was stated that there was the School of Water, Earth, And Air. So is there a school for all basic elements and their variants. Like the School of fire or ligthning, and etc. Are there also other school on other unique branches of magic like School of Illusions, etc. Also it was also stated there was a School for the Military. So is there also a school for other Majors like cooking, management, business, accounting, house working, etc? Also for the peerages of the Satans will you keep most of them acording to Canon, like Sirzechs having mostly skilled people without Sacred Gears like Okita Souji, Bahamut, Beowulf, Enku, Surtr Second, MacGregors Mathers. Ajuka's Queen being a Falak Snake, and Serafall still having a Bahamut in her peerage. And will Meshphito Pheles still have Dragon King Tannin as his Queen? Also would the MC have a poison user in his peerage? Also what is going to happen to the OC Longinus candidate Sacred Gear, The Asclepius Rod that was metioned previously when MC took a peek at Heaven's Sacred Gear System. Is it going to appear in the story? Also does Zekram's faction know about Lith's Kingless Evil Pieces? And if he does would they allow it to continue existing?


How long has it been since i've read a proper deserved and justified face slapping this good? *looking at the horizon*


Threat in the right measure, without showing trump cards. Awesome author, thank you for making this beautiful fic.


Diana => Rook. Medea => Bishop


Oh boy he's playing he's games again lol also when I think of Gabriel I cant see as some super sexy body angel instead I see her as Filo but a little aged up.


excellent show of power without revealing your hand, hopefully we'll get to see the underworld through Enkidu's eyes and perspective, nice touch with the fate characters which makes more sense but are they as strong to potentially fight against high ultimate devils(trained) or they around High class devil rank? I like the power play that was given to Hera and Hephaestus but mostly Hephaestus as honestly he deserved better than what he was given, other than that thank you for the chapter Alexander the Grey, May the odds ever be in your favor šŸ˜Ž


what do you mean not your best work, that was F**king hilarious, great chapter keep up the good work


so what exactly is this monster?? im going with medusa...seeing as poseidon and athena was mentioned!!




More chapters please


thanks for the chapter