
Comments of chapter undefined of The VILLAIN's Online LOVER


I am slightly confused? I can’t remember it being mentioned whether Nia can speak under this blood curse, or it really being explained at all. Like if the person who placed the curse on her dies, will she as well? The moment Egan hears her voice he will know it’s her. Also confused on why, if he would go through all this for Nia, he is being swayed by some random unknown female? Yandere, generally are pretty obsessed with the target of their affections, right? Anyway just looking for clarification.


Titania can speak under the blood curse, but she was currently muted with another binding spell by the elder of the draiocth tower because he did not want her to reveal the fact that she was being forced by them in front of anyone, much less Egan. Also, even if she was not muted by any binding spell, she would not be able to reveal that she was being forced as she was bounded by the blood curse. If she dared to, the head elder would activate the blood curse and she would die instantly. I hope I have explained your confusion. Do feel free to reach out to me anytime ( ꈍᴗꈍ)


Exam are important so just focus on that for now. All the best & good luck for it exam. I'll patiently wait for ur next update. Side note, to be honest I was a bit reluctant to read this novel when I read the synopsis as I thought the fl would have a wishy washy type of personality, like the decision she will make, would annoyed me. But I took a chance & now I'm kinda invested in it. 😚😚