
Comments of chapter undefined of GREED: ALL FOR WHAT?

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I agree with the other comment, it’s been four chapters and we have yet to see a main character and all this talk about origin gods and realm lords is just gonna make the mc seem weak.


Already been a year but i felt i should address it. The problem isn't that mc will look weak, I don't think it does and first of all a weak mc isn't an error or blemish in a story. The problem is by laying down the ceiling so quickly, from the get go has made us the reader lose any sense of mystery or suspense of "what is more powerful than this?" It is something crucial and core of progression fantasy. The more you outline the finite-ness of this world, the more it feels small and cramped. That is the problem here, the outline for this world was drawn way way too quickly. Maybe it is a daring challenge in and of itself to now make us still feel suspense.. let me see I'm just starting out and there's plenty to binge on

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I have few complaints about this novel's start :1) its slow ,boring and full 4 chapters of info dump(dont'know if this will continue .hope not). it could be good for story but most readers starts a story by checking forst 3 chapters and if they are boring they mostly drops it .2) my biggest concern: now that we've seen the absolute pinnacle of power and beings . there is no mystery for what Mc could achieve in the end or how powerful his enemies will be. you can't show stick fight after showing intergalactic space battle.3) So many things could've been skipped like introduction to dragons and monkeys . Just the name should've done the job and a detailed introduction should've been given when they are relevant to the story because at the moment they aren't .4) narration : not saying it's bad but it's weird and makes it hard to immerse in a story if someone is talking to you in the story. i was just thinking yesterday to write a story with this style but now i get why most writers don't do it. but this could change when we get mc , so not complaining I'll give it a little more time and lets see if it gets better. which i hope it does .

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My puny little brain trying to remember all of this 😭


you have lost my interest. I am tired of the info dumping. sorry.


Terrible start, and possibly an indicator of things to come, so I'm out.

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Thanks for the chapter


Boring, where's our mc?