
Comments of chapter undefined of GREED: ALL FOR WHAT?

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I dont know, somehow dont like the narrator. Too much "you see". It is a very weird way of adressing the reader. It was especially jarring in the first episode, where the author talks about all the thing you can see etc. So it was : you see, there you could see what the eye could see for the beings that could see... Very clunky.


Another thing. Too much lore dump at beginning. This is an issue a lot of authors or games make. The thing is you are lore dumping for us when we know nothing about the world. We have nothing to anchor the information to. The best way to start the story is by little bits of lore. Nothing for the first chapters, just describe how somebody goes through their life. There just by showing, not telling, you explain the world, customs etc. Just the simple action of MC going shopping or something already tells you so much about the world he is in. You also make the reader hungry for this lore, because there may be unexplained things. You leave them wondering about the higher order of things and capitalize on when you actually reveal it. You heavily put the cart before the horse imo.

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it was a unique start at first but now its bad cause ur just dumping info

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I don't like the way the narrative is told, but we'll pass it along with a cup of coffee. I hope your story doesn't disappoint me

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I’ve been teased about the promised protagonist for three chapters now.

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Thanks for the chapter


Je ne suis pas du même avis de certaines personnes, je trouve cela assez intéressant de commencer directement en montrant les grands pouvoirs qui peuvent exister, même si c'est assez complexe surtout si on ne connais pas ce type de novel. Cependant c'est plutôt original car contrairement à d'autres novel on attend pas minimum 1,5k chapitres pour lire ce niveau de puissance... Mais je comprends aussi l'avis des autres car en effet ce n'est pas le début le plus excitant ;-)