
Comments of chapter undefined of Solo Leveling: The New Ruler


Darkness generation- emit a gaseous substance which absorbs and blocks all forms of radiation and transmission for everyone except the user. The darkness gas takes a bit of time to spread though but it can cover large areas if enough time is spent generating it and spreading it. It slowly fades away though, so don't expect to coat the world in darkness. It can also look cool, like you're smoking darkness.

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Illusions of you worst nightmares, your greatest most fulfilling fantasy! Of situations that make no sense despite happening right before you! One's that trap you if you fail their test, or ones that test your resolve. Enemies are helpless in them yet allies can get training like no other. Real fear of death in an intense fight you are temporarily made to forget is false!

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Transmitaion, it's an ability to transmute stuff like grond/steel or maybe flesh of human she Can make some weapon from it. as expected me, Creation ability Is just Perfect for a Ruler. you can make sword from ground and shoot it with telekines(if she have it) like a Certain king of heroes


Make her own heaven? That could be fun! A spell that collects the belief and recognition of others and converts it to mana, and I mean pure mana. Regardless of the mana being dense or not, it won't have any contaminates like a monster core might have. Her personal space, modeled like either heaven, a library, heavenly library, or akashik records, could use spells to bring people in their dreams. This serves as to direct belief to the space to strengthen it, and also gather and impart knowledge. Since they are asleep their subconscious is what gets to learn and be aware of the space, meaning when awake they have a vague awareness that such a place might exist and know what to do in certain situations that could be mistaken for instinct! Everyone who enters will have a book filed away detailing their entire lives. The booked could be spelled to keep track of their life so no need to update! The story of their lives can be cross-referenced to approximate others! Facts can lead to assumptions, and if that assumption is confirmed multiple times over from different angles that can also be considered a fact. The new fact them can be combined with other facts to make even more assumptions! Extrapolate the universe from a piece of cake! Not that extreme, but you could really make it into a sudo-akashic records!

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Due to her Abilite to chage her body makeup by becoming a flugel a magic that could make one an awakened/hunter or the opposed where they would end up in a mana induced coma due to the excessive mana in there body not being able to handle it in case Jin Woo’s mother


A spell like Emya's tracing that not only trace bleads but everything the user can observe to there origin. The more mana(any magical energy) the user use the more closer to the origin he/she goes.. Theoretically with enough mana the user can reach the origin of that universe(like ROOT of fateverse).[OP]


dream magic: turn reality illusion and illusion really


a rune based spell that temporarily overwrites the laws of the universe she is in with a different set of rules. of course this has a astronomically lage mana cost as it can supred a gods divinity by making it temporarily not exist in the first place. this can also be used on monarchs like forceful creating a afterlife for a while so a shadow monarch can't rase new troops without breaking a dimensional barrier and rising the souls from a unwilling afterlife.


The ability to change the state of matter of anything she touches. A rock she could turn it into a gas, liquid, or even plasma. The rock wouldn't melt it would just turn to a liquid of the desired viscosity.


something similar to the transfiguration spell of harry potter, the conjuration spell of skyrim or the magic in fairy tale.


A utility magic [Heaven's eye]. Summons small amounts of water in the sky to reflect and transmit visual image to a projection. This can be useful as you can see everything under the sky. Potential to be able to see and observe everything on the surface of the earth


not a spell but a shout idea "horvutah salo unslaad/unahzaal" translating to "trap weaken eternal, which I believe could work as the words suggest using the first entraps the target adding the second weakens the target while in the trap and the third makes it so the first 2 effects never wear off until the trap is broken by internal or external means. also using the shout "oblaan" meaning to end/be killed should be a good excuse to remove fodder noteibly weaker than her. should also work on weak undead as you are simply ending the target by another definition. if you want further explanation just ask


The overlord anime has a bunch of cool and interesting spells that you could use


why don't you just look up some magic from different anmie wikis like negima and the smartphone Isekai


A notice-me not spell! Or perhaps a distraction spell that that makes something grab the attention of everyone in reach? Like everyone is fighting over a treasure and suddenly a pebble in the corner catches everyone's attention, and it's looking mighty fine over there if you catch my drift 😁! Suddenly everyone fights over a random pebble while our lovable Flugel makes off with the treasure that has been tossed aside like dirt. Some may resist, but only because they want both now, but it's assured it's a rare occurrence and definitely won't happen to our MC 😉


Ever-increasingly ridiculous things to surprise her parents!


Temporarily take control of a dungeon with a spell? Like you can forcefully increase the grade of an E class dungeon to a higher grade in exchange for it's lifespan. Like an E class dungeon can be made a one time S class. I would say that extreme example would have a backlash of something though like wildly sucking nearby mana to make up for any shortfall from trying to reach s class even if only once then shattering!


Security net to detect enemies near a base. Dome defense spell that can work of ambient mana, monster stones, or hunter input. Fail safes are a must! Traps, traps, traps! Spacial distortions that lead to shattered space and air vacumes and pressurized zones that can feel like the bottom of the ocean times 100! Gravity wells and sensory deprivation zones and cold spaces made not by temperature but by the complete lack of happiness in an area!


Spells for defense or teleportation to safety made upon loved ones. Life support spells to keep family alive at all cost and a beacon spell to tell her of their location. Those are made to be cast on a person and keep their effects on standby until needed. Summon spells placed on guild members to gather them all quickly in case of emergency?


A spell that is like the quirk of Twice from your other fiction to make sure family is safe or just help with paperwork?