
Comments of chapter undefined of Accepting My Massive Inheritance After Divorce


Wohh... hypnotize... anything can happen in this novel...if he has that capabilities of hypnosis many problems could have resolved...old master/Lin xings stupid desire..or his sister....atleast some of it....but none... suddenly he used it on shen Yan...nice very nice


I agree. That was the first thing I thought of too. 🤦🏻‍♀️I really hope that Shen Yan doesn’t get back together with him.


I really am liking the story but I am going to be very very upset if I spent all these coins reading the story and we come to find out that the male lead us somehow hypnotizing her and messing with her memories and she ends up getting back with him and falling back in love with him because he was totally only doing it for her own safety. And he always cared about her this whole time. I'm sorry no? you don't screw with someone's brain and memories to protect them? I seriously am going to be really upset if the author cons me in this way because I have found nothing redeemable so far about this male lead. At the very best assumption is that he is just a spineless coward who had no problem using her as a shield against his family while he did whatever he needed to do. judging by the way The author is trying to write him to be sympathetic I have a horrible feeling that he's going to wind up being the male lead and then suddenly the female leads going to totally fall in love with him again because of hypnotism or whatever and it's all going to make sense and we're supposed to as readers forget the horrible way his entire family treated her and how he let them treat her that way the entire time and now apparently that brief sentence or two that hinted that he was messing with her memories and her brain?

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Old geezer… your pride is making you not see clearly! You are surrounded by vipers and you don’ even realize It! You had a gem, a diamond and you threw it away for stones… fool


This is so absurd....so instead of hypnotizing her why did he not hypnotize the grandpa and the rest to like her instead of messing with her memories!. Why would you mess with her memories in that way "in order to protect her". That is just a cowardly excuse. If you love her and wish to be with her then stand up for her and fight for her instead of subjecting her to being bullied byeveryone around her!.