
Comments of chapter undefined of CEO's Runaway Mate and Her Cubs

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Aah i Find this stupid like everyone’ seeing he is rude but not anyone is seeing the reason behind it and lara arguing over it was stupid Like really? They’l not try again?? What is she even thinking what if neXt tIme they succeed she is just gonna cry and wait for him and realise that he was right. instead of arguing she should make herself strong enoughl

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Nate really doesn't deserve to be painted as mean here. He just had an adult fear and a scare of his mate being killed. He's acting rationally, especially when a person he is close to let him down. His mother should know better. Lives were on the line. An "I'm sorry" would have meant absolutely nothing if either of the kids or Lara died. It shouldn't take someone actually dying to understand the severity of a situation (so far this is the one thing that broke my suspension of disbelief a bit in the story. Great otherwise).

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Well he is also scared just like pups.☹️ He thinks he's losing control or something. Lara should try to understand his situation as well..😑😒 Another family vacation maybe lol😂😂

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Better for Nate to cool down first and then he still has to apologize to Lara for that sudden outburst. It would be best if he could explain to her a little about the dynamics of an Alpha's treatment of his pack members; especially hers, bearing the position as his mate, even if she's a human. But it's good that the pups are now behaving favourably with regards to their Daddy Nate.

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hope everything turns out good for Nate

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Hope they can Stay together 🥰

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See this! I just gifted the story: Ice cola