
Comments of chapter undefined of Jujutsu Kaisen: The Contractor


I'd say to go at the pace you initially planned. It's clear that you have a path of development for the character that you want to follow both personality and power wise. The story uptil now had been at a good enough pace since you clearly said that this was gonna be a slow read. It's also always better to show your character do the important stuff (very first mission is likely going to be important) rather than to just dictate it like a diary. After the mission of you still feel like your story is too slow pace then a small time skip wouldn't be amiss but don't forget that the event with gojo and the star vessel happens in this year so you don't wanna just skip past that.


after his first mission do a time skip for training and a small advancement in your story. personally i think you should hint at how you will make him strong.


Dont skip stuff, maybe narrate his first mission and go into depth on how he will get stronger after the mission like the lesson he has learnt from it and outline what he will improve (Curese techniques, fighting techniques) stuff like that and then timeskip with what improvements he has had.


Only narrate simple stuff or which is not that important, otherwise his thought process and how he handles things. The best advice I can give is to go at your pace and never rush, if you're ever stuck, add filler chapters maybe you'll get an idea on how to proceed after writing some more


El mc tiene tiene un sindrome de inferioridad por lo que habri que solucionar primero eso para que no se estanque Talves en la primera micion y que dicha micio en ves de u power up le de una oportunidad de alsarse sobre los demas asi como gojo tiene lo 6 ojos he infiniti dale algo que lo pueda poner al nivel por que seamos sinsero gojo es una paradoja un ser que traciende todo limite conocido rompe cualquier barrera que este impuesta , por dios el hijo de puta maneja el infinito un concepto de la existencia misma , opino que para que el mc pueda ponerse en pie de igualdad deve darcele algo de igual valor cono vacio, orden o caos , obvio esto tiene que ganarce no regalarce opino que esto ocurra el su primera mision y apartir de alli ocurra el time skip


at the moment, I dont feel that a time skip or change of pace is necessary,


Then go with your original plan don't let others decide on how you do things. if they were bored then let them be they don't have much patience. I like the story how you detailed about him being weak to strong it feels like seeing your child growing up(Lol! im just a teenager). It's your own story so do where you are comfortable with, Goodluck!đŸ€—


eh, so there is a time skip before showing MC's first development which will let us readers at least know how MC ends up using his abilities in the future? I hope to at least show some situations so that MC has a plan for the development of his curse and after that you can time skip 👍


Na minha opiniĂŁo oque falta no seu personagem Ă© a seriedade,inteligĂȘncia e parar de nerfar ele


How about introducing a jujutsu outside Japan we know there are sorcerers in Africa so why not do that u got ur freedom there don't have to think about following the original plot and there he would fight against a super strong curse and win and comes back like a whole arc for jujutsu in Africa u can also use it as a time skip


do small time skips like 3 years max and give updates on anything that changes. this way it speeds up and you can add any necessary details that you want to add.