
Comments of chapter undefined of Civilization


the 1% production bonus will be quite OP in late game. heres an example how: if you played total war attila, the Eastern Roman empire has a ability that give 5% interest income based on the amount of gold in the treasury at the end of every turn. so as long as as you have positive income, by late game it will snowball to the point where you can have 1M+ income per turn, max army and navy stack and all the military buildings, even if you own only 1 province. mean while other factions will struggle to even have positive income. on a more real world scenerio, the economic growth of advanced economy is 1-2% per year. so if Ian's settlement focuses on developing economy until it turns into an advance economy, then that 1% production will become an additional 50-100% faster economic growth (when compared with advanced economies).

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WOO, NEW CHAPTER! Is Ian the first to make a religion? Probably not. There was the one person who took Piety, in the top 10 players.

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hmm, it feels like my comment from last chapter ended up having some influence on this chapter good chapter