
Comments of chapter undefined of One Piece Starting with Uchiha Itachi's Template


Chapter was pretry good but I feel you dropped the ball in alot of instances. From Mc used that fireball technique on smoker, because it was made with chakra(physical energy mixed with spiritual energy) that should have hurt him from out the gate. Because if Amaterasu, a technique using flames made of chakra can work. Then there is no reason why any jutsu would not work on devil fruit users. Especially logia types. You did bring up a small valid point, fruit users lack diversity. But it is made up for training their powers, provided their imagination is enough to push it to the point of awakening. Not mention smoker is a navy captain with fruit powers, rokushiki martial arts and haki. So he is very well diversified compared to the average joe blow marine. You don't be a navy captain by counting bottle caps. You get that position through strength, results and merit. The fight was not bad, though I feel he would've won much faster without revealing to much. But whatever its your story. Now the main question I have is whether he would kill smoker or not. Because the more he kills their top soldiers, the harder the marines are going to come down on him. An sure he is a powerful new element, but at the moment he is alone. An it is only a matter of time before he is ganged up on and killed or badly injured. Itachi powers or not, even itachi was smart enough to have a partner to watch his back and knew his limits. Despite being sick. He will definitely need a strong crew and hopefully not be so stupid as to kill of all the potential allies he can actually get to his side. But again, I will wait and see how it goes. Story has potential, but it don't mean anything if the mc does not stop and think for a minute.


Haki is taught in captain of new world but smoker is a captain turn vice captain in East blue, marines in the sea before the grandline is weak, same for the pirates. Now you know, you should watch the anime first and the guy is right he didn't have haki but learn it after the battle of the best.

Raizen22:You are missing what I am saying, based on the evidence we now have from the manga. Their is no reason why smoker, at the point that he was stationed in loguetown should not have haki at all. Especially being in the organization that he is in, especially now knowing the six powers are connected to haki. Flimsy as that sound. Sure you can use the excuse that he focused on his devil fruit abilities more and that is fine. But to not have at least basic armament or observation. Not to mention those who rise up quickly(looking at you Coby) tend to be groomed and cultivated. Rather than less known, no talent marines. They would at least know what it is and what it can do. An if we take things like Film Z into consideration, Z trained alot of well known marines like smoker and tashigi. An I would think that a great man like Z would make invest in such talent. But those are just my thoughts.

did he really upgrade his eyes to the eternal mangekyou sharingan? This is weird, his eyes shouldn't bleed


Smokers cannot use haki. After the encounter with Luffy and his crew, he was recalled by the sailors along with the fake kunia. I'm sorry, but was Itachi, with his every skill doubled, really going to fight like this? Then if he fought with Kaguya and Smoker, would Haki die at his hands because he didn't know?


So Genjutsu went down the drain I guess. Base Itachi wouldn't even need to use Tsukuyomi, any of his Genjutsu thrown through his Three Tomoe Sharingan could affect Naruto, a Biju, and I doubt Smoker has a stronger resistance than Naruto. And even if he does, this is Itachi with his power doubled, so... dumb. And even without using Genjutsu, Itachi can wield other elements than fire, like, I don't know, WATER! Considering the fight is 'on the way to the shore', I suppose using Body Flicker to move the fight over there wouldn't be that hard. Itachi wasn't just a strong Shinobi, he was also very intelligent. I don't even know why I'm writing this, nor why I'm still reading...


Thanks for the chapter 🙏


Thanks for the chapter


very good chapter




ik you said he was toying wjth him but im really disappointed he was doing this….he showed the marines a lot of his abilities and everyone knows information is super important especially if he has a power thats unkown to them he shohkd try his best to keep it as mysterious as he can but he showed a lot of his abilities to toy with someone for no reason….ik this is a fanfic and i think too logically sometimes but it just annoyed me


E mt frustante issu uns 3 capitulos e ele n matou a o fumante ;-;


Thanks for the chapter


Good chapter


Thanks for the chapter


what happened to the character draw he got from killing the pirate captain? Why is he not using water jutsu or genjutsu?


I thank you for the chapter.


e agora anos depois a nami entra no bando dele como esposa ?


Eternal Mangekyo does nit bleed or there is no exertion and also itachi uchiha is a jags level ninja and can easily defeat vice admiral The only reason he can’t Defeat admiral is because of haki


Retard author


[img=recommend] Thanks for the chapter [img=recommend]


Cant he just cover his weapon with chakra? So that he can hit smoker? Or use other ninjutsu like water elements?