
Comments of chapter undefined of The Magic Rings

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A defensive combination spell created by the two defensive spells that Grey engraved on her magic ring.

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please dont take this the wrong way, but i think you're overfocusing on the political side of things. MC is stil so far from power and at this point we've seen more politics than magic. I understand that you want to properly introduce the plot but perhaps it would be best to give the mc some screen time. We're 40 chapters in and I'm stil not sure if i even like the mc. My idea would be to show the rough proceedings in the war but have the details filled in through the mc learning of them. It seems like the classic show don't tell mistake, while the royal court will clearly become an integral part we have no personal connections yet so it stil feels like info dumps. My lay perspective is that having a secondary perspective that focus on one singular character in the court having us empathise and see them strife for their succes would improve this situation. We would know that character have stakes in them achieving their goals and you'd have another well established character that can help introduce others overtime. This is of course merely a suggestion based on my observations what you make of that is up to you.

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A giant Ice shield maybe.