
Comments of chapter undefined of Spectre of Corvus


Wait?? Author isn't she just like the general someone who wouldn't hesitate to abandon their comrades when in front of someone with more strenght ?


No, she joined due to Soteria's interference. It wasn't her choice to join them, and she was practically forced by the maid. And if someone did capture her, then that would depend on her loyalty to Alastair. Lily's loyalty to the army is flimsy as she is a commissioned mercenary, which is why she wasn't bothered that much by the army's defeat. Whether or not she would join someone stronger than Alastair is dependent on her loyalty. After all, Lily never thought of wanting a powerful master. She simply got subjugated by a powerful one.

NovaEre:If Lily got subjugated by someone stronger than Alaistar wouldn't she join them ?

Hey OrdanairyHuman I know I says completed for Lady Emperor but I was wondering if you would make a sequel or something. Cause that cliffhanger did me dirty. I loved it btw

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“She always did this every time she woke up. It helps her body not tense up… ” you don’t need to keep this sentence. It is basically useless. We all know what stretching is and how good it feels right after waking up, so you don’ need to tell us common knowledge.