
Comments of chapter undefined of Altering Skyrim

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Thanks for the chapter! Denser bones are also a major factor in an increase to strength. Extra organs should also be considered.


Thanks for the reply. I had to think alot about what ways to improve a human body. The conclusion I came to was that the entire body would have to be worked on from the ground up. Denser bones and simple organ improvements is the easiest. Like a better liver to eliminate toxins.

Pepey_LePew:Denser bones for sure. I would imagine the extra organs would take some gruesome trial and errors since messing with those could be quite troublesome. Still, the hope for Space Marines is still alive.

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Thanks for the chapter! Being as he is so cautious of riften he would probably be scanning his surroundings constantly looking for ‘voids’ in his scans, like what happened at the party…(I think that is how it was…🤔) Maybe keep a fake book on his hip, with the real one on his chest under his armor/clothes. He knows about pickpockets and the skilled so he would probably be extra cautious when in the den of thieves. Maybe, if he ends up sleeping there, having him completely seal his room, like scanning it then mending any crack or crevice including the doorframe. (And if the fake gets stolen have a pov of the thief opening it and getting a “permanent” glitter bomb curse(can only be removed by having the curse lifted, so it won’t go away on its own.) or something like that, with the lyrics of ”Never gonna give you up” written on the pages. Maybe include that spell the lets the caster know when it is destroyed.) Hope this gives you ideas! (Sorry if these ideas interfered with your plans.)(Like having his book be stolen and having him turn the city into a sinkhole in an attempt to get it back.)

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Thanks for the chapter :) For Alchemy, what about that Alchemist from the Grey quarters in Windhelm, the Dunmer who gave the mission to collect some snow from the peak of the throat of the world? Couldn't he be considered an accomplished alchemist for creating something like the White Phial? :)

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Thanks for the chapter 🙏 🙂 😊 🙌

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Whoever is the skilled of Alchemy is, he or she should have created a super human by now. Thanks for the chapter.

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Serana specific simp suggestions: 1) work on vamp hybrid as a ”cure” so she’s more a living undead. While she sees it as a gift, and something that she earned (as seen in her dialogue if you got Molag Val’s mace before asking her about it) some things like the sun bothering her or not being able to eat etc probably aren’t great. Also vampire lord form is ugly, give her an upgrade to that. Make the “cure” just vampirism+ or vampirism 2.0 2) she likes the color of leaves in the rift in the fall 3) get an enchantment from Archmage to block sunlight, or use Alteration magic on her clothes or something to help her out with it (blocking light, making her skin not react to sun, etc..) 4) go to bloated man’s grotto, she likes that place a lot. Also Ancestor’s Glade (quest related) 5) she really likes exploring 6) she likes gardens and gardening, maybe build a garden in the restored base so you can ”coincidentally show her” once you get some alchemists to join up. 7) she likes the courtyard, help her rebuild it once you finish the questline 8) Maybe try to get her some dragon blood from the Dragonborn if she killed any recently. I would assume that’s like a fine wine to vampires, bring it along next time you see her. Maybe try transmuting water into blood. Maybe collect other types of blood or use alteration on some blood and ask for her opinions on the tastes like a wine tasting as well. Very romantic. (Maybe let her feed off of you ;)) 9) She probably needs somebody to talk about her family with. Especially her mother, she appreciates having somebody ask for her opinion on her. Don’t judge and just listen :) 10) Turning somebody is intimate for vampires. Let her turn you when the time comes (soul trapping sucks anyways, don’t do it). Also don’t make it seem like vampirism is the worst thing ever. She sees it as a gift that she earned even if the process was terrible. 11) She’s snarky, don’t be afraid to poke fun at eachother once ur closer. She’d probably make fun of ur goat for example.

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A few suggestions: 1) Milore as another addition for alchemy in addition to BlackBriar girl(nobody rly knows of her much and she’s on Solstheim, should be easy to poach.) 2) Start to look into hybridization with vamps to a) help MC get vampire strengths b) prepare to avoid partial soul trap when going into Soul Cairn c) act as a pseudo “cure” for Serana while still keeping all the good parts. 3) Have Nocturnal kill the skilled of Sneak (I think) who stole the Skeleton Key to show why messing with Daedric Princes is a no-no. Or at least have her be involved and toss the MC a bone for helping her deal with her. Nightingales are so cool, sucks with the whole give your soul to Nocturnal bit. 4) Forgotten Vale as future MC base 5) If MC hasn’t already(I forget), slowly improve his looks with body sculpting to make it seem natural, but really who doesn’t want to be more attractive. 6) Red Eagle’s Bane works as an alternative to Dawnbreaker if you don’t want to mess with a Daedric Prince.

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Thank for the chapter

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Thanks for the chapter

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Another awesome chapter! Have my power stone!

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thanks for the chapter

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how much for u to write more often