
Comments of chapter undefined of Mage And Wolf

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Thank you for this! I’m a bit sad that it’s over… anyways would it be at all possible for you to reference the Four Horsemen in your next work plz. Oh btw what is our little lycans actual race now anyways?


what's the other story Elder Song is in?

Aoki_Aku:I'm sure I can sneak something about them in. Though Elder Song is already in my other active novel. Actual Species for the Little Lycan is hard to say after becoming a God, since I'm not sure if that counts as a species by itself? Though before that it would be a Half Demon Lycan.

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honestly sad that it's over. I found this book after starting your other one and I love both. I will definitely be following along and keeping an eye out for any other books you do! thank you for the stories Divine one!

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Okay, I'm glad you are doing short stories since you started with one of them missing....

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Amazing work! 👏👏👏👏👏👏💕 So…is Song ‘The Laughing God’ a nod to your other novel?!? That would be an amazing twist. I’m a little sad to see it end, but I understand the pressure of keeping all these novels running congruently. You are an amazing author, and I look forward to continue following your ascension to divinity 😁. AOKI, God of Written Entertainment 😁 👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏

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Gosh it's been a trip. Congratulations on reaching an end and thanks for bringing us along!

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A little late since i didnt notice i Could access the last two chapters. This was an amazing story, among the host of terrible translations and absurdly balanced cultivation / game novels this one kept everything comprehensible and “fantasy realistic”. Im a bit curious about how ‘real time’ earth is doing, but that may be better left for one of the side stories. I will miss this group of characters and remember the story well. 😁


Wait, is it completely finished?

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Called it!!! Song as the laughing god. I had a feeling from early on that this was gonna happen well played great writing!

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7th? 8th? 9th? 10th? i don't know how many times i read this book and it still absolutely amazing :) loving it, especially the ending when we get to see the birth of RwaSS solar system and pantheon :D


A wonderful book - thank you, dear author!


Amazing story, and you are without a doubt my favorite author on webnovel. Now I'm curious and have a bunch of questions. How did the other gods come to this world if they had set up spells to keep them hidden? And how would the system work at bringing transfers to the world if the spell prevents anything and everything from coming into that realm? Is there an official list of what gods are present by the time Cain comes to the magical world? And are there plans for him to go to the dragon world? Also, if the different intelligent beings are there from the start, where does that leave the Ancients? Is the "genocidal war" that you mention a reference to the war that takes place that results in the creation of the system, or is that something that occurs prior?


so what happened with the death/unholy elemental that was in kats soul shrine? and also what happened with the dragon scale she absorbed while looking for the dragon God war relic? both being list under "Things That Were Never Mentioned Again"


I really enjoyed this book keep up the good work and I want to know what happened to lala

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Cool! Thanks!!

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Any plans for Humanity’s Greatest Mecha Warrior? Is that going to be included into this? Like a side story where Karl and Song create another universe to see how far they can get a bunch of species to develop their Mecha tech? 😁


What a great finish. One question: Who was the missing person in Chapter 1? I always assumed it was Lala.


So who was the girl they are trying to get back in chapter 1? did they get her back? or did I just miss something?


awww nooooo i want more. T_T why couldn't this have been one of those 4 digit chapters long novels that are still ongoing. absolutely love this novel glad i started it after i found your summoner one but man i want more.


So can I assume that since Song is "The Laughing God" And I saw that he is the same from your other book, that the "Magic World" is the one everyone gets transferred to? Also is the calderra that was mentioned beginner valley?