
Comments of chapter undefined of Martial Arts System


really I was actually glad when I read about the elf girl being his lover but now that you dropped that I guess I'm dropping this n I fuckin wasted my money n votes is there a way to take it bak


I love the elf girl why did you do that please let it back to be with mc as wife

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Frankly, I was incredibly disappointed. ichiro needed another support. Considering that the abyss lost its power, the elves would be an important support. Also, at first I thought it would be interesting to add a second girl. It could even cause Azura to become more ambitious and push himself harder. but it's frankly absurd that you make close friends, if that's the case, the person he should have dreamed of should be azura, not ichiro. Anyway, it's your story after all. It's kind of sad that you changed your mind like that. I don't know if I will continue the story after this. but i wish you good luck


rlly sad that u actually changed.. 2 girls its the best to develop not only more romance but also support him, and the worst of all, u literally hyped us about how the elf girl would become so pretty and the friendship with azura, just to change it later bcs of "sugestions", i didnt care about harem before u introduce her, but after all that cool story behind they future relationship u just crushed a fckng good story.. im out, hope u rethink about this sugestion stuff. now i need to look for another masterpiece without an hype-crush author


Wow you just ruined a story because of some suggestions bruh! It's your book ,you don't have to listen to what anybody says... Heck you don't even have to listen to me... Hah!!!😤I was a fan of the elf being his second lover but seeing that it won't be possible... I'm not going to type anything long my guy just know that I'm not going to continue being with you on this journey... I'm out peace!!


Would that kinda unfair to the elf?? ichiro and the elf was fated thats why she's suffering.. can the elf still love someone else?? Coz it would be devasting if all she can achieve is being azura bestfriend but she cant be a lover to her fated partner? 🤔🤔 Hope author decision is not the final tho coz its still interesting having them both as a lover 👍👍.. coz what would happened if the elf found ichiro first before azura?




Why change it? It don’t make sense… it’s ur book bro 🤦‍♂️ 😑


Whhaaaaaat?! Come on homie! Azura is great but he def needs another girl. Opens up so much to do and just seems right to me. He had two gf in his past life so he should have two wives this time!


I am very sorry to hear that you decided to change the history. I only criticize a work when I find logical errors. Other than that I accept everything the author writes, even if I don't like the decision, as long as it makes sense. I really like your story, it makes me sad to know that people are influencing the story you had planned.


No entiendo de que sugerencia hablas cuando la mayorĂ­a de los comentarios apoyaban la idea del harem de 2


I can't follow a story where the author changes something because of the whims of a minority. Specially when that plot was being hyped as much as it was. The insecurity in his own story doesn't give much security to a reader like me. So even though 5 months have passed i can't return to this novel, it was good while it lasted. Goodbye.


I agree with only azure as GF, Ichiro personality don’t match with arem style. I prefer you improve the romance with azura, still feels shallow, especially on Ichiro side. Same with parents and sister relation. Hope to see some more emotion on MC, maybe book will help with that.


I’m glad the author decided to change it. Tbh the 2 lover seemed 2 forced it didn’t fit in in my opinion. Plus with Azura personality I don’t think she would of liked it so it just doesn’t make sense.


Bet dub I'm fine if the elf girl is girlfriend or best friend