
Comments of chapter undefined of Pokemon Alternate Universe Adventures

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Thanks for the chapter By the way wish Mikail get a Togepi that has a talent Luck Share and ability Serene Grace and Super Luck so that Togepi can share his luck to Mikail because for me Mikail doesn't encountered a lucky encounter or situation yet in the story

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Nice chapter detailing the different parts about Aura and where Tertiary Aura students would be in their abilities compared to Mikail who has been doing this sort of training for a while now. It also shows how training was done to attain and then refine those abilities as well as their intricacies. At the end, Mikail also won't be sitting around for the rest of the time. He is already considering all his other occupations that can be trained and improved. So far we know about his aura training through school, but it would be nice to hear about the training he's done out of school with all his other occupations and Pokemon and how much more knowledge he's gained about everything after he unlocked more knowledge from his advancements. Hope to hear about it soon. Maybe that secret powerful backer is going to show their face in the next chapter and Mikail might have to disclose how amazing he actually is

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Hoping that somewhere down the line, Mikail has someone / someMon that he trusts enough to reveal the full specs of Utopia and his abilities. Think by bouncing off ideas with a sapient and smart enough being, Mikail could discover better, more creative ways of using his abilities and maximising the potential of Utopia. Mikail, as we've seen before sometimes underestimates others, and forgetful at times (remembering the Smeargle incident), Having another 2nd in command / secretary / right-hand man would be able to provide a 2nd opinion and also remove some of the work of doing everything himself. Not sure if Horus may fulfil this role at some point with his increased intelligence from his Psychic affinities or interacting with Mikail. Another hypothetical situation could have been on the Boys Night they had earlier. To get their thoughts on his abilities, Mikail could have started off a conversation with what Kinji or Aaron would have done if they had an AI suit (like Iron Man) or something, to being able to manipulate fire and also able to upgrade and reproduce any raw material, to having enough resources to raise any amount of Pokemon, etc. Maybe Kinji would also think along the lines of the Beedrill colony, Aaron might have the idea to collect at least 1 of every kind of raw materials and even ones for specific species, then being able to use those items for raising/training his Pokemon better. Wonder if there's a PokeReddit? What ideas could the public come up with when posed with the question "What would you do with the superpower of being able to upgrade and reproduce minerals/ raw materials but not finished products and crafts?" Some may think the question weird, others might have specific tastes and want a lifetime supply of Razz Berries (it's relaxing properties might mimic weed) whilst there might be few useful answers like: starting a small store in a high tier city and live in peace, or gathering enough items to figure out if there's other Pokemon evolutions by exposing Pokemon to different items, etc

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Any idea what's Mikail's long term goals? In general, is it to live a comfortable life or explore the Pokemon world, or fulfil his promises with his Pokemon - making them the best of their species, or protecting humanity from Pokemon raids, Expanding humanities borders, developing humanity using the information he has from the previous civilisations without touching any taboos, making sure his family and friends are strong enough to protect themselves, experiencing different regions and sights, battling in tournaments with the best, developing himself and his Pokemon to his/their full potential, etc, etc. Some of these goals tie in with others, some are mini-goals that lead to a bigger picture.

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Thanks for the chapter~

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thank you for the chapter!!!:) but i have a suggestion(ignore if u want) but can you like make it that when mika graduates the professors like ask for a private talk which evolve to meeting the head honcho of the aura guardians who then ask to show his various pokemon and then they'd all have jaw dropping moments when they see his pokemons at mostly mid to high gold stage with like one or two at low dark gold. it be so hilarz and would give Mika some protection and benefits as a champion level genius or something

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Merci pour le chapitre !

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I was thinking, since there are pokemon that evolve by trading, and trading requires some sort of spacial transfer. It could be cool if you made the requirement for their 4th evolution require something that allows them to absorb even more space energy.

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Thanks for the chapter

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Thank you author-sama for the chapter

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Thanks for the chapter!

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Thank you for the chapter

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thanks for the chapter

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nice chapter thx for writing it do wonder how he is going to train his mental ability's

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thanks for the chapter

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thx for the chapter

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thanks for the chapter

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thanks for the chapter

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Gracias por el capitulo