
Comments of chapter undefined of Tyranny of Steel


i thought she was supposed to b interested in hans 😂


tbf not a fan of priya being a love interest for berengar since she is like 13 and berengar is like 30


Should Berenger also not invest in development of specialized dedicated high velocity guns to take out the Japanese armored vehicles in future? I mean Panzerfaust 250 is a fibe development to equip the standard infantry platoons with basic anti tank weapon systems but there still exists an unfulfilled need if German Army to be able to engage armored vehicles at extended ranges. Also may be Berenger can also develop the Fritz guided bombs, V1 cruise missile and V2 ballistic missiles and more importantly the Wasserfall Surface to Air Missile. Also I want to see development of Nebelwerfer 42 and its air to air adaption the Werfer-Grabate 21 rocket system. Ge can also consider development of really fast interceptors based on Dornier Do 335 Pfeil and may be his Navy could use amphibious maritime patrol aircraft based on BV222 and BV238. Considering Berengers penchant to favor German origin equipment to base his weapon designs upon, it makes sense to put all these into production


I'm kinda confused why berengar wouldn't just invade japan now when he knows he not only has years of advancement on Itami but also like hundreds of thousands of more people in his military instead he's planning and preparing to fight her years down the line when she can catch up and prepare better to fight him for someone who is supposed to be smart he is being super dumb by letting such a huge threat get stronger


mechanized and towed artillery ftw, but why not rocket artillery? specifically the mlrs, panzerwerfer 42...?


See this! I just gifted the story: Inspiration capsule