
Comments of chapter undefined of Tyranny of Steel


nothing can prepare you for the dumpster fire that is this chapter idea of a government...


"Elective Monarchy", bro are you fu@#$# in the head or something?? do u seriously want to follow the same path as the Holy Roman Empire???


But why only males. The women should be treated equally when holding equal abilities. Just like his pet, I mean spymaster.


Lol he wants a congress....


He is not much of an Tyranny of Steel if he dose not have absolute authority??


So what powers will he have as PRESIDENT As some of the us PRESIDENTs powers are . . . make treaties with the approval of the Senate. veto bills and sign bills. represent our nation in talks with foreign countries. enforce the laws that Congress passes. act as Commander-in-Chief during a war. call out troops to protect our nation against an attack. make suggestions about things that should be new laws. lead his political party. entertain foreign guests. recognize foreign countries. grant pardons. nominate Cabinet members and Supreme Court Justices and other high officials. appoint ambassadors. talk directly to the people about problems. represent the best interest of all the people A PRESIDENT CANNOT . . . make laws. declare war. decide how federal money will be spent. interpret laws. choose Cabinet members or Supreme Court Justices without Senate approval. so will he have anything different.


Thanks for the chapter


In fact those reforms will never work like this. To give commoners freedom they do not understand will lead to misundersanding of your intentions. Education commoners will take generations in case they are willing. Change the ways of life in the eyes of people will take even more time. Moreover the most important question is will they accept it? How you see from human history in our real world. Democracy and law system as how you described it was accepted in US and EU only. All the rest of the world didn't. Some countries are religious, some communistic and some stayed as kingdoms. And even with all influence of US politics upon the world they do not change. Not every nation will accept democracy and parlament rule. All nations are different. You should understand it. And even if they will accept it will take 100 years at least to slowly change people knowledge and views.


This story is falling into the ridiculous, an egalitarian sense, to this day, in our modern society, it is still more an ideal than a reality, and to get to this point has cost an ocean of blood and death, our dear author, as usual, wants to do it with a stroke of the pen at the first opportunity, To achieve small changes, perhaps, but a direct offense against the power of the nobility is practically a guarantee of total destruction, it is simple interest, whoever doubts it You just have to start offending Jeff Bezos, Bill Gates or Elon Musk, and they do not have the power of life and death, at least not officially, who would want to do business or allow the growth of an individual who threatens the divine power that assists them and grants them their rights, it is clearly established that these interests caused the fall of ecclesiastical power in the Middle Ages, and that was a reaction against the supposed representative of God on earth, what reaction would be expected against a small Viscount? Logic 101!!


Elective monarchy is a sure way to place a puppet on the throne. It is by far worse than the succession law he just replaced.


After the mining incident, he should have known that no matter how nicely he treated these people, they would always be a chance of betrayal  since that is just the nature of humans, whether they are peasant or Nobel. Nevertheless, he went and gave up his absolute authority. that just seem dumb........