
Comments of chapter undefined of Reborn In 17th century India with Black Technology

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only one chapter today..?😢

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I don't why a restriction on Males for becoming Nurses? What's with an All Women Medical institution? Shouldn't the first step to allow Female Doctors & Nurses to learn from the existing experienced Male-Doctors & Medics to insure standard operating procedures that are essential for any Organization. Vijay has constructed BITs but what about Creating Bharat-Empire's equivalent to AIIMS , JNU, BHU, SAU, IIM, ISI etc. I think Vijay should create a family of 4 Educational institutions: (1) Bharatiya Medical University => A Family of Medical Universities like India's AIIMS & it should be established in every State & UT Capital (2) Bharatiya Rahstriya University => A family of Universities in every State & UT Capital that teaches every subject ranging from Humanities to Economics to Sciences. Ancient Universities like Nalanda, Takshil etc should be revived & be a part of this University Family. (3) Bharatiya Artha University => A family of Universities equivalent to India's IIM & ISI combined in each & every State Capital to boost Financial Education & Research (4) Saraswati University => A Family of all Female-Student University where Female Students can enroll as young as 12-year Old as School Students like BHU. These should be created in every State & UT Capital. The next most important thing that Vijay should invest is in:- (1) Tourism (2) Orphanages. Vijay should buy land in places that could become really popular in 21st Century like Ooty, Coorag, Munnar, Connor etc & create massive Hotels to boost Tourism & provide Holdiays to the Govt & Royal Employees. Vijay should start & run multiple Orphanages under the "Royal Family" to groom young Orphans to become Loyal to the Nation & Royal Family as well as for the recruitment of Secret Agencies.

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What is next?, oh right, gay rights! After that, fury rights! good going.

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thanks for the chapter