
Comments of chapter undefined of Reborn In 17th century India with Black Technology

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Now would be good time to introduce Heliograph based telegraphy for long distance communications. Also since Dreyse needle gun made use of paper patched cartridge and precussion caps, it would be best for him to point his team towards development of mercury fulminate.


in the discord server

ABHI29:Sorry did not get u? In what group? please clarify.

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can't wait for next chapter

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Ah yes! was waiting for the moment when Dakshin Bharatiya Empire declares a total war on Mughals once and for all. The Mughal Badshah had it coming, especially after his failed assassination attempt on Vijay. Pretty sure though, this total war will drag the Ottomans and maybe even indirectly pool in both British and the Dutch all of whom are greatly distressed by the growth and prosperity of Dakshin Bharatiya Empire. Hence i strongly believe, Vijay needs to greatly expand the strength of the Army as well as Navy and even consider creating a dedicated Marine force for naval infantry landing operations. Vijay also needs to significantly revamp communications and restructure infantry formations into pike and shot formations before innovation of breach loading rolling block carbines or something like Sharp's Carbines enter service. After innovating muzzle loading rifled muskets, Vijay needs to consider converting them into Dreyse Needle guns after introduction of precussion caps ( require development of mercury fulminate as a precondition) , these would serve as a great interim technology before blacknpowder metal carriages could be developed and subsequently Gatling gun could also be considered.

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The Mughal Empire doesn't stand a chance against Vijay this time. what i mean is even with a larger population and even if they double their army size, they'd face defeat due to Vijay's industrial power. They would require an army of over 600,000 to 1,000,000, along with support from the Ottoman Empire, to put up a strong fight. However, this might not be possible due to a hostile empire between them. also i think Vijay should not hesitate to use powerful weapons like explosives against the Mughal Empire in war. he already has enough character development.

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bro pls upload

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thanks for the chapter [img=recommend][img=recommend][img=update][img=update][img=update]

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hehehhe blood bath 😈😈😈

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This was the moment I have been waiting for.This is one of the best novel series.Even my blood surged while thinking about such a moment in novel. 💕 loved it.