
Comments of chapter undefined of Reborn In 17th century India with Black Technology


Can you make a couple of life episodes between the population of the Empire discussing the Empire gossips as less the emperor?

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So will this evolve into something lok sabha and rajya sabha or something else entirely ,btw nice chapter

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thanks for the chapter [img=recommend][img=recommend][img=update][img=update]


Let's be honest, this Empire isn't ready for a Democracy yet & there is No need for it. Imperialism or Dictatorships can achieve major National Goals at a much faster rate in comparison to Democracies. It would've been better if Vijay united the entire Indian-Subcontinent upto Malaysia Peninsula & then impose the practice of Dakshin-Bharat Empire on the entire United Bharat Empire. After 20-years of continous education, Vijay should've conducted a study about the Literacy stds of his citizens & when finding them adequate enough, he should've introduced a Constitutional Monarchy & Parliamentary Democracy with:- (1) Emperor being the Head of the State & controller of Religion in the Nation & it's Island Territories. (2) Rajya-Sabha being completely selected by Emperor on the basis of individual contributions in different fields like Art, Politics, Science, Technology, Religion, Education, Sports etc. (3) Leader of the Rajya Sabha should be known as Rajya-Minister (Royal Minister) with the responsibility of scrutinizing the bills & regulations of Lok-Sabha. (4) Lok-Sabha should be comprised of Parliamentarians sent by the State Legislative Assemblies with each only being allowed send a max of 5 MPs (5) Lok-Sabha should elect an individual as the Lok-Minister (People's Minister) that will lead the Ministeries. Thus Lok-Sabha should be about in-direct representations. The direct Democracy should get practice at the level of State-Elections with citizens voting to Elect members of the lower house of the Legislative assembly. Leader of the lower house State Legislative assembly should be called "Chief Minister". Whereas the State-Governor selecting the members of the Upper house of the State Legislative assembly on the basis of Talent & Experience in different fields. Leader of the Upper house of State Legislative assembly should be known as "Rajya Minister". After the State Assembly is formulated, Members of both State Lower & Upper houses should select 5 Members that'll go to the National Capital & represent the State. The selection should be done by the duo of Chief Minister & Rajya Minister. The combo of Chief minister & Rajya Minister should become so famous the it should be known as the "Eyes of the Governor" . Chief Minister represent Modernization & Aspirations of the Citizens. Royal Minister represented Tradition & Rational of the State. Emperor's eyes were Prime-Minister & Royal Minister.


That's a good start for any new reformation. Thanks for the chapter.