
Comments of chapter undefined of Reborn In 17th century India with Black Technology

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I think there is only two way to end the language problem either take a language and entforce it using on the hole population or you create a new language with the common features from all other Indian languages to give a indication that you are not favouring a particular language.


Bro please be doing it like intergerating all the Indian languages and not like enforce the tamil or telgu over other languages as u also know that Hindi is all the integration of mainly northern Language but yea southern language are not included in it ( fun fact: Hindi is made by an British individual) So yea brother, don't be doing that language politics. Many thanks 🙏 Ram Ram

Mithun_ReddyGaru:0u read my mind ^^

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You should not invite saints who are too young like bhai Mati Das’s as they are still too young to gain experience to become a saint like in the history . They have not yet experienced hurdles of life which made them saints

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The language problem is still relevant today but it will be interesting to see how you solve it. The Indian constitution today did not give any language the status of national language because of this very issue The only language almost understood by everyone is English even though they may or may not speak it

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my math is not matching ,may be I am dumb .(no I know I am)

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Also the disappearance of so many saint will lead to suspicion

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I wonder what would be the case with the religious affairs. Hinduism is the state religion of the Vijaynagara Empire. Buddhism could revive in India through contact with Sri Lanka and the Northeast Indian territories. Jainism if it is like the case with Vijay's previous world would be a minority religion. I wonder if Sikhism exists in this alternate timeline. Also, Islam has integrated within the Indian Subcontinent because of Muslim Invaders before and after the Mughals not to mention that Vijay would have to maintain ties with Muslim countries for diplomatic reasons.

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Bro this is one the best story I have ever read can you please create a discord server so that we can talk and share different ideas and stuff

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Thanks for the chapter . Any country That don’t don’t have unified language and culture have a hidden danger within


thanks for the chapter