
Comments of chapter undefined of Crimson Apocalypse

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good 1st chapter, i was looking through apocalypse tags for so long to find st good and ultimately gave up but sh i found urs on new arrivals even though its not new at all lol i mean it has near 300 chaps, guess its not being promoted that much huh

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wanted to ask smt.author-san read the synopsis and as I understood the MC should had been a child but got confused as it started by a man who have a family. Is this like a short story for the main one? as when I had checked until the volume 2 and read a bit it was looking as the MC was the child so wanted to ask that.

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I was browsing the apocalypse tag and came across this novel. What can I say? The chapter is quite interesting. I like the way it shows the perspective of different people, that finally they all connect in one way, the meteorite! I will add the novel to my library. In addition, I will also comment so that you, author, do not lose heart with this novel. One piece of advice, if over time you get discouraged when you see that your novel doesn't get views, don't worry. The page has an error that does not show the real views. For these to be shown, you need to update the page of your novel constantly and the visits will be updated little by little. With nothing more to add, I look forward to more chapters. PS: If it is not too much trouble, I ask you to stop by my new novel called "The Magical Apocalypse", greetings.