
Comments of chapter undefined of My Three Wives Are Beautiful Vampires.

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thx for the Chapter and it is lovlie too see How Vick and Phersepone interack whit one a nower and i hopp amaras idee Works and Vike gifts the back the conection at lest toxen amara need to lern a lietel more hopp you are batter over the day and enjo the last christmas day

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I will never drink again... I kind of got carried away at the Christmas party, ended up drinking too much and woke up with a headache and several hours later, ugh. Luckily, I had two chapters saved, so you won't run out of chapters.

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Thanks for the awesome chapter. Vic as a dragon represent the chaos aspect. What other aspects does he represent

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also, I would like to know. do you use cosmos and universe as same thing or infinite universes = cosmos.always kinda make me scratch my head whenever the terms are used makes me feel that they mean separate scales all together

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Since vic became a God how powerful is his weapon now.

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I hope this social arc goes on for a while. we had a lot of war arcs recently. keep up the great work l.

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Thanks for the chapter Vic. Let the reign of Anna begin!!! Also we need more Hestia. After all she is bestia! What am I saying we need more of all the wives.

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Violet said that the future Victor is above time and space. Being above time and space means being an entity at least on the level of low-level Complex multiverse. Does this mean that there is an Infinite Multiverse in the novel? Because in mythology, each leaf of the Tree of the Universe represents a universe.

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also since previous chapters showed that all of his energy which he had absorbed killing all the beings in his life time to be categories under negativity and begin. so this in theory should just means that just by progressing these two concept will make all of his initial absorbed powers to level up as well. so now a little question I had at the end of the chapter was. which divinity did 'time' of kronos merged with?

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All will be in the harem Officially!!! This needs to end ASAP!!! PLEASE!!! But only in an organic way.

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Before vic controls 70 percent of existence now after acquiring positivity energy and becoming a god how many percent in existence does he control now.

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We learned that Victor's cosmic horror is still a baby, but it is already comparable in size to the universe, and every time he looks at a being, his soul is damaged and Victor's power increases to an abnormal level, meaning that Victor is now a 4D being?

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All Hail EMPRESS ANNA!!!! All Hail the Alucard FAMILYDON!!!!! All Hail the 7 Empresses and the rest of the wives plus future wives of the Alucard Family!!! ALL HAIL ANNA!!!!

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Maybe you don't understand what we're saying, you can look at the vs Battle wiki. comics, novels, movies, cartoons, etc. The characters are classified depending on the powers of the beings Examples : 10-B: human level 5-A: high: Dwarf Star 4-A: Multiple Star System 3-A: Universe level 2-B: Multiverse level 1-C: complex Multiverse level

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Next up is Demeter and Thea.

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author, is it possible that a dimension like the type of pantheon are situated in to be infinite scale. this thought came to me when it was said that Victor has a cosmos inside of him where his powers are situated. if this cosmos is the scale of, yknow an actual one. then this should be possible.

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thanks for the second chapter

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Thanks for the chapter Victor!!!

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I just thought of this. One more cheat that Victor could use is through all of his wives in the soul marriage. Since if anything happens to the women that are the most precious to him. He can bring them back through soul marriage. And if anything happens to him. Then they can bring him back to a stronger stage since all of his new abilities work like that. This could be a good reason for Victor to not only soul marriage every true dragon wife. But for them to get stronger. He needs them now as much as they need him. Their true potentials need to manifest through this soul marriage and become goddesses to create the ultimate cheat. It will no longer just be wiping him out completely. It would be the Whole Family all at once for any enemy.