
Comments of chapter undefined of My Three Wives Are Beautiful Vampires.

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Hunt is on..

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pretty good chapter. 1. We get to hear about the Super secret Organization. 2. We have a more clear understanding of nero's background. 3. We find out about what happened to Diablo's soul. I.e absorbed into victor, with a better understanding about the progenitor side of his powers.

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Thanks for the chapter when is vic going to merge with alter also have been curious if the poison shot at vic used now would he still affect him and would aprohdite charm work on him.

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Thanks for the Medusa Reference pictures.

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Going to put some more ideas in the idea area. And thanks for inviting me to the administration area. Let me know if you want to ever talk there. Hopefully no one else can see that area.

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It would be nice if the hybrid was an adult woman that joins the Harem. Also. We don't know what kind of Hybrid of two races they are yet. Hopefully it's an angel and something else related to the positive attribute. She would be interesting. Or she could be the hybrid daughter of the one cheating queen and that royal or noble werewolf. Hehehehe Or of cupid and the other queen maybe if that's possible?

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Is Nicklaus around 3000 years old or around 1900 years old? That is the discussion we have had on discord today. Reasons: The ancient grudge mentioned by Merlin is 3000 years old and the First Price called him Uncle. Is he a young uncle just like some people are in real life? Or is this related to his PROPAGATION power that Vlad didn't care about again? Like usual.

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The author hopes that New Dawn will not be an enemy faction like Diablo that will last hundreds of episodes, the faction has very annoying beings that we expect to die in 600 episodes.

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Yes!!! He will train his daughters!!! Now. If there are any more children that are still alive I hope that they could be adopted by the Alucard CLAN. And the daughter of Nicklaus can join the Harem once she gets saved. Unless she still wants to be a part of Johnny's harem pack since she still has his mark on her. Or she can join Leon's HAREM. Hehehehe

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honestly I cant wait for Vic to destroy The New Dawn and make them suffer a fate worse than death. Messing with Victor and his family is a death sentence. I cant wait to read about how this is possible or why is he so powerful. keep is up Vic your loyal fans are here no matter what!!!

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Hey Author-Dono, during the war you once stated that Volk is considered a God-King Level Being which shouldn´t be true, right? In your own power scaling chapter you placed Volk under Vlad because Volk, in the end, is not a "special" being like a progenitor... His innate attributes/stats can´t contend with Vlads unless he unlocked something similar to the ancient form of vampires but even then its impossible to stand equal to Vlad who is not only a progenitor but also regressed to his true form... He should be equal to Scathach since he has to transform and use his blessing to fight Beings of Vlads caliber... And if Volk, a "normal" Alpha Werewolf is considered God-King Class without his true form then wouldn´t that mean that the werewolf progenitor is stronger than Vlad himself... According to logic Volk should not be equal to Vlad with orthodox means!

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Ok scratch my second hybrid idea about her joining the Harem. Focus on the development between the current harem and Victor. If anything.. create development between her (if the hybrid is a woman) and possibly Leon. I gave an idea about Leon having a Harem in the idea area. If that is hopefully a good idea then he could get some good development with those women in the shadows to help Victor in the long run.

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Definitely got some new ideas in the idea area tonight. They might help you with this arc.

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Didn’t Merlin already tell Scathach about new dawn?

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Author-Dono, when will we see the abilities of each progenitor? There are already some progenitors in the story such as Demon Progenitor, Gorgon Progenitor... There were already some hints about the Werewolf progenitor and dragon progenitor but we still haven´t received any info about the powers of the former 2

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Nice chapter! Contrary to the recent past this chapter is filled with details that dont reveal too much and too little!

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Thanks for the chapter.

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Thanks for the chapter broski