
Comments of chapter undefined of Jacob Mornings

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this is a very good story. however you have problems with missing words in sentences. I suggest reading the sentences out loud to yourself and adding the words that flow into the sentence. Other than that this is a great read. you have exceptional talent. Your characters are really well developed. I really enjoyed reading this. I can't wait to see more from you.

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I have the same critics with other people. Writing is clean and magnificent but the lack of descriptions prevent me from being fully engaged

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I love how this story starts.

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I'm not a perfect writer myself but I'm gonna be honest... Your grammar is great The vocabulary is on point but it lack description and it's kind you know confusing. But yeah. the plot is great and interesting. (I still didn't remember all the names yet tho)

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Well, it is good, but could you add more descriptions I think that will help you.


Other than a few grammatical errors and a few improvements needed on sentence structure, it holds up fine. However, the conversation between Jakes and his mother feels a bit stiff and unnatural. And like what the other comments had said, a bit more descriptions about the surroundings could really build the scene. It'd be pretty hard for us to imagine how a scene looks like if we don't have some descriptions to go from.