
Comments of chapter undefined of Sir, How About A Marriage?


This site is horrible I upgraded my privilege plan spent 300 coins to upgrade yet it kicked me back to chapter 235 and says I have to upgrade again to read past that chapter.


you have to re-up grade every month.


I paid 500 credits to update to the same page 276…i was already on page 276…where’s my upgrade?


Same here I’m stuck in 260 when I’m already in 271 asking me to udgrade to pay for pages I already paid for? Not reading any more. Books cost $5.00 in kindle. Here I spend 20$ a week can’t finis the books I’m reading . Highway robbery.


I spent 899 coins today to upgrade my privilage plan I left of on chapter 276 before I upgraded yet once I did upgrade it wouldn’t Allow me to read past chapter 261 when I asked for help the person was not helpful at all! Kept telling me I was only authorized to chapter 261 I asled th‘‘ e How I had read chapter 261 thru 276 couldn’t Tell me. Kept telling me I had to pay again to read past chapter 261 even though I was on 276 before I spent 899 coins to upgrade my plan can someone help me please tell me how to get my coins refunded or get the chapters I paid to upgrade to