
Comments of chapter undefined of Forgotten Legend of the Bloodied Flower

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Kuang Shen is the very definition of a simp.

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pamper her yet using her..what kind of selfish love is this ??

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i love how author could simplify some of the situation and smoothly process it in the story, to the point i was in wonder why i don't even bothered by it. like the Go play, the medicals plot and term, the political issues, the war and ect. it was actually being brought by the small surface layered information, but instead feeling ambiguous, the author able to select the important one and blend it in the story. it was even make me the reader not to be to bored or think to hard when reading it. usually when you reading a detailed or complex information in the story there will be a time you feel annoyed for unable to understand it, hence why it will disturb some reader flow in the reading. but this plot have the complex branch of plot with a light details in it, so it's easier for me personally to enjoy on reading it. thank you for the chapter 💕

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thanks for the chapter

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If she isn't genius in medicine and doesn't have cheats she would not survive that long in that world but because she is FL her halo is protecting her.... Kindness can become poison at times....


thanks 👍 😍 😊