
Comments of chapter undefined of Reincarnated as an Energy with a System

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I love this book and this world you have created, and I would love to see it continue, but if you don't feel any inspiration on how to continue the story, maybe you can put it on hiatus and see if any new ideas come to you later. Either way I'll be following your other books, and thank you for writing.

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quite frankly, I love your novel a whole lot, however if you cannot think of any way to continue it in an interesting way I think it's best to leave sleeping dogs lie. maybe it's because you made Ning so powerful that any conflict in the future that you can think of wouldn't flow very logically. perhaps if you are tired of continuing this novel, you could make another one going off of nings future trillions of years from now, after everyone he loves dies and he resets his memory or what not.

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I do feel like Ning has reached 'enlightenment' as he has most, if not all, of his desires & goals met. Maybe the side characters could go exploring? Or we could get more info on some of the old characters, like the Queen dragon in the galactic will arc (I forgot the proper name sorry)? Or the nanosuit guy and his daughter? I'd be interested to read about them again!


This books makes me happy. I hope you can continue for a bit more

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I like the idea of he wipes his memory or he meets other users of the energy system and adventures out with them


This book feels so free to me in the sense that ning had various types of adventures, from magic and mana to qi cultivation. I loved the story until now, especially with the link to your other book and the disappearance of the white tiger. Thanks for the amazing book but I hope you write more Some suggestions. 1. Maybe he travels the multiverse to meet more ppl with energy system and fights a few of them, becomes stronger and is capable of destroying universes 2. He goes into the energy dimension for explore 3. somehow leaves the multiverse and meets the creator 4. I think it is slightly weird for elly to be completely immortal as that puts off a huge part of energy system, true immortality and him constantly moving cause time us moving while he isn't. so maybe elly 8s in some sort of danger which makes ning want to get stronger 5. why is ning daughter still have the mentality of 10 Yr old?? I know shes a will but she's living among humans


Thank you for the greta book, that you've created. It is one my beloved books in this platform. good luck on your future endeavours


maybe we can explore the story of the planet created by the galactic will on which the dragon and other people were left behind.


This has been a roller coaster of emotion. I have always been here and forever will be.


He's in a new universe so maybe he can start putting stars in his inner world also id love for it it to continue


Suffice to say I have binged the whole lot up till now and I'm enjoying the ride, maybe the route of hunting rogue wills would be cool, if there is no inspiration for the book I guess it is better to either slow way down or bring it to a close. (would hate to see such an amazing piece of work stop)


I like the story, been following it for a long while and I’d like to see it continue, at the same time once things reach a certain scale I can see it’d be hard to continue.


I also like the idea of exploring side characters and their character development. Nine as a character is very impulsive, and author is aware. exploring other characters with different motivations, different temperaments and different means or methods to achieve their goal is a good idea. explore the life of a person that Ning affected, but has since moved on from. a child Inspired by Ning to become a healer, a summoner, a warrior etc.


honestly i love reading Ning's adventures and would love to see it continue, i know its been five months since then, but this story has quite possibly endless potnetial and its up to you if you wish to continue creating it. seeing our MC and his daughter go screw up some galactic wills would be quite entertaining


Awesome!! Thanks!


Personally, I think if he was traumatized by the experience with wills, and he hunts down galactic wills kinda like Nigel but more driven from his traumatic experience. And somehow have him explore more into the origin where he can actually die, and meet the universal will that created him