
Comments of chapter undefined of MMORPG : Rebirth Of The Strongest Guild Master

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So I know everyone is saying Untimate knight so much that it’ most likely going to be chosen. But from my perspective Time dilation has the potential to be a signature move for rudra. I say this because we’ve established that rudra is a brilliant schemer, and an unparalleled genius. Time dilation in addition to gods eye will allow rudra to not only never be behind on information gathering, but allow him to act even more decisively because he can plan much faster. Not only that but the skills combat applications are endless and is objectively more useful than ultimate knight. I see a couple downfalls in ultimate knight. While on paper the 30% mana decrease is amazing. The biggest problem I have with it is you cannot control the size of the avatar which will inherently lead to any battle that takes place anywhere that isn’t an open plain will render the skill useless because of the size being 1000 meters(which is massive). feel free to question my reasoning I will answer any and all questions.


I just feel if you decide on ultimate knight you will be forced into writing fights that are essentially murim mech fights. But I think time dilation would allow you to continue writing fights that are akin to chess matches like you did with Rudra v Scarface(which was amazing). But no matter which you choose I’ll still be reading either way

Raj_Shah_7152:A brilliant line of thought , very logical

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After a lot of pondering. I have to cast my vote for Time Dilation and Dance of Death. The cost is huge and the risks/requirements high. However, these 2 skills were practically made for eachother. With them together having the ability to cast a Tier 6 attack at the end. Something that could significantly damage even Lucifer.

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go for demon overlord

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time dilation and dance of death. a lot of people have given good reasons. but in my opinion, these would be the best. we don't know what demon overlord does, so why are they assuming it will allow him to control demons? work these 2 skills working hand in hand, not only will he be able to slow down his perspective of time, which in turn will slow down all attacks coming his way, but added with god's eyes he won't be surprised. as into the mix an ever increasing damage output (even though it might be extremely difficult to master) he could eventually/potentially at the end of it kill Luci


Here's what I think, Rudra might Initially want to go for demon overlord due to the fact that it doesn't have any info which would mean it is powerful and with him reaching tier 5 soon it might be his ultimate trump card but he might end up not going for it for that same reason due to the fact that in the past he used forbidden moves that left him crippled for long periods of time, so he might be cautious for that reason. Death Overloard is useful to allow teammates to stay in the fight if they die, especially with him having to support earth and lead humanity, this would be very beneficial in doing so. As for the Mythic upgrade I think either Ultimate Passive, Legion of doom. Ultimate passive is good since it gives him an extra .5 points but not by much. Then I'd say legion of doom since to be able to summon 1 million undead that is self substancing is incredible since although most of it is cannon fodder the undead still need to be taken care of giving him and his allies time to regroup, attack or retreat. then we have ultimate knight which might seen amazing with its 50% Stat boost but the size is extremely limits what and were ha can use it because the fact that it turns into a 1000ft Avatar very hard to fit into places. So in conclusion I think Death overlord and Legion of doom are his best options.

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Happy Birthday Author-sama!!! and Happy Father's Day to all the dads out there!

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demon overlord and time dilation. demon overlord seems like it is a "ruler class" skill as In he would rule over or have advantages against an entire race and time dilation will allow him to defeat or run away from much stronger opponents and can be a life saver

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Ultimate knight the huge buff as his regular size as another comment has stated would be really good but the overall buff to all his other class skills (+50%) makes it even better Then he needs to take demon overlord this skill will allow him to control the demon dairy taking over all of lucifers army for himself the only possible down side is hades taking this as a betrayal however with how hades has acted so far I don't think he will take offense

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Time dilation and demon overlord personally

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My suggestion is actually to choose Legion of Doom, because its the most broken of all if I understand it correctly. It literally says that he can allows the summons to spawn INFINITELY, so as long as he can keep the Elder Liches and Death Knights save for at least several days, he can create an army of billions of undead. In some cases it is also the case that undead can upgrade themselves to better versions after a certain amount of battles and can become Elder Liches and Death Knights themselves and spawn more and faster undead. Though I am going of on the assumption that infinite summons mean that it keeps going, though it is probably limited to only keeping 1 million alive and no more or that the new summons become uncontrollable. It is also the case that Rudra is more of a schemer and leader, so more troups to command alwasy helps, especially if he can keep the Elder Liches and Death Knights alive, so he can scheme as much as he wants. Most of his battling happens on large scale battles and not individual and he is very OP already in his level class as he could kill a semi rank 5 being while only just stepping into rank 4. So more focus on himself would cause a loss in the importance of the side characters, which should not be the case if he wants to be the strongest LEADER otherwise it turns into those other stories of MMORPG guild leaders, that create an elite team only to forget about them and only mention them to comment about his battles from their perspective. Death Overlord or Demon Overlord should be chosen as it reduces his efficiency in other weapons and so far his dual wielding has been a major characteristic of his. So unless he can find a way to dual wield scythes, it is basically limiting himself as he can also become more predictable with only one choice of weapon. From the other two, I would choose Death Overlord as Rudrad leans a lot towards death, which is more neutral in affiliation than demons, who tend to be more evil and chaotic in affiliation at least, so that fits him more on that side. Besides that, Rudra does not seem like someone to choose something unpredictable or choose based on luck. It also has a very wide range of abilities, which each help him in different ways. Lastly and most importantly, it allows him to REVIVE dead allies and allows him to put NPCs in his army, which in the previous battle were sparingly used and allows him to use them more as he can revive them, so to a leader like Rudra this further establishes his position as a leader and schemer with more units.

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while ultimate knight might seem good at first I actually think ultimate passive will be the best because the further the multiplier goes the closer he is to closing in the gap between him and Lucifer because now that we have seen how big the gap is he needs to try and close it as fast as possible because he is no where close to Lucifer right now there would just be no point in him having ultimate knight if he just got slapped around due to lack of strength. as for the other ability I would have to go with demon lord idk what it is but from it's name it feels like a passive and if he is going to be fighting a lot of demons than whatever that ability is seems like it would be very beneficial the others like 1 million undead sound cool but he is already gonna be fighting with millions of people by his side hades dance sounds cool but would be really hard to learn.

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Happy birthday :) And i am really not Sure which skills to choose. But i think death overlord and ultimate knight are ok. (as the majority chooses them) But the others are also not Bad.

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Ultimate passive and demon overlord.

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happy birthday! ultimate knight- basically he can still use the avatar and at a discounted rate but also channel it through him at his normal size which would make a HUGE Trump card in the midst of battle where he is fighting a stronger opponent. using it in the middle of a fight for a huge mass and power upgrade could mean the difference between victory or defeat. the time dilation one is a close second but I feel it's probably more for crowd control and rudra needs to focus on one-on-one fights from here because he will always have an army with him now. death overlord- this will probably be HUGE in the upcoming integration because a lot of humans will be weak but he can literally give his allies a do-over in real life when they get invaded. also with the HP sap he himself will have multiple chances to go all out in group battles even if he is getting hurt.


ik that it’s too late but just wanna say my honest opinion on this really, it would be best if he gets the legion of doom or the time dilation of those choices, as for hades ability thing, it would have to be death overlord since it would be great since from what I understood of the novel and + the title of it, it ain’t about him beating everyone all by himself, he’s gonna have others with him like his guild and the rest of earth if he does become the commander (I believe this to be likely to happen) but cheers peeps, wanted to say this mainly well besides the fact it’s been a while since I commented on a chapter of this novel so

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Happy Birthday! And Happy Father's day to all the dads out there.

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ultimate passive and demon overlord

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also demon overlord might give him the ability to use the book of demons which could turn Lucifers army against himself

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Ultimate Knight and Death Overlord seem to be the most useful in my eyes.

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happy birthday