
Comments of chapter undefined of MMORPG : Rebirth Of The Strongest Guild Master

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Yes, the princess is not a trophy, her love is not something you "request".

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I binged the entire series last night and today, I payed for the extra chapters and sent ya a gift. great job on the plot it's super good, just wish some of the romance plot and naming weren't so cringe lol. keep up the good work :)

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Instesting turn of events. Totally forgot about the elven sword. Im glad of hiS decision to Ask for the division of arachers. There better be some Orcs for Legolas to kill (haha joking. For those that dont know, Legolas is an elven warrior from Lord of the Rings)

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i hope he can win her heart later in the story

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So Mr Oracle What you gonna do?

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For the blasphemy, We of order demand a refund for raising our emotions, And we should be compensated with all three😍😅

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why cant he just see where he is himself? he should be able to see through illusion (invisibility) with his eyes of truth

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Good chapter

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i will keep reading, i will say that i stayed up through the night to binge through the book, so it definitely is much better than many of the other novels on this app, but i agree with the comment above, wish there was less of the cringe romance in it... writing romance plot lines is definitely not one of your strengths author, i was really extremely frustrated and disappointed when i got to the A.I. deal chapter... i still don't like that part even with how it was concluded, although the conclusion is far better than if he had actually gone through with it, but this is your novel not mine, its just going to be a negative mark among the other otherwise enjoyable chapters for me... i always push past the part that kills the book for me for a while to see if it is just a black stain on the book (so i would have still ultimately read the following chapters even without your encouragement), and sometimes I even skip ahead to see if the author continues doing the same things before finalizing my decision to drop a book before it's conclusion (there are some horrible books that are worth reading in the beginning, but then take a nosedive on this app)... obviously i can't do that here being caught up already, so i will continue reading for now to see how it ends up. from here i can see a couple possibilities as a result of these latest chapters 1. a revisit of old love interests 2. a total drop of love interests in the future 3. a much slower progression into gaining favor with the elves, and actual lead up before romance with the princess, and the possibility of marriage later through other means 4. the princess dies in a major plotline and it becomes a sore spot and negative emotional point, and a moment of regret for the m.c. that he will have to move past -----a. if this was used it could add yet another plot where the m.c. makes more deals with the a.i. to bring her back, or otherwise gets ahold of that flame to resurrect her later -----b. the problem here would be in still building an emotional connection (chemistry) between the m.c. and the princess, the love at first sight thing just felt too abrupt and with no lead up or chemistry just felt wrong especially when there were already possible love interests that didn't come out of left field -----c. if the princess accompanies the archery division then it would give room for her to actually interact with the m.c. as well as others, and then build up chemistry -----d bringing in the m.c.'s family into the game and having her interact with the family could help build that emotional connection and there are more possibilities i have thought of but those are the best scenarios i can think of... if i hit the nail on the head on something you already had in mind, feel free to delete my comment, don't feel like that makes it predictable, and if you have something totally different in mind i look forward to finding out what i missed..

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Archery Army


He went through travelling not thinking on how to save the princess instead thought of it on the spot? This is the inconsistencies in writing that kills many stories. The MC suddenly not thinking ahead of a plan hence being discovered by the AI. While the author is drumming his fingers thinking of his well made "plot". When in actuality he just forced his MC to act out of character to make the "plot" possible.


Legolas? Seriously?


So what is a Harem? ,2-3 ?


Thx for the chapter


he's no simp


See this! I just gifted the story: Ice cola


First (13)