
Comments of chapter undefined of Dear Immortal Tyrant

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Love this book! Cant wait for more chapters .


Another thought provoking chapter! So we know Kaden deflowered the Golden Rose…. did he do it deliberately so that he can be with Lina in future lives when she is reborn? I don’t know if its just me, but I feel like I’m trying to put a puzzle together of their past and still have loads of missing pieces. I’m hoping that it is Xin’s talent as a writer, feeding us clues slowly. So we know Lina & Kaden were from enemy families & Kaden raged war. Initially we are given hints about how Lina died as there was a sword which upset her in the museum. Kaden notices the scar on her neck is missing. Surely it was missing in previous lives too? Perhaps his observation is simply to tell us that she was stabbed in the throat and doesn’t need overthinking. At first I thought Kaden did something to her but in this chapter she apologises & he said he lost everything. Did she commit suicide to try to end the war??? Also, going back to earlier chapters in the museum when he finishes the quote she started about war. Why didn’t he instantly recognise her? That confused me. Why did Sebastian have to research her? I wonder how long it has been since her last life. How long ago did he last see her? How has she died in each life? So many questions!!! He loves her more than anything & did something to get her back which is linked to her dream. Was her dream when she was dead and in heaven? Did Kaden make a deal with the devil to bring her back to life? All I know is, time and time again history repeats itself as they find each other & fall in love. It seems to me that Kade has loved her for a 1000 years. So I’m excited to find out their history. Lina has seen their future where it would seem they get married. But does Kade get shot? If he is immortal surely he can’t die unless there is a flaw in his immortality & they are special bullets. Does Everett pull the trigger?? Can’t wait for more chapters!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Thank you Xin 👏🏻🙌🏻👏🏻🙌🏻👏🏻

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Lina is hard on Kaden despite their love for each other. I love the way ge protected her. Once he fines out what happen to her when she see flashing lights the faster the can rekindle their true love. I’m enjoying this book especially Lina, Kaden and Everett too. 👏🏽👏🏽👏🏽👏🏽


Why I have this feeling that her trauma are all from that camp and that camp is related to her father and grandfather. They might have done something that they are regretting it now but then it still can't wash away the sins they did so what lina going to do if she find out that incident really related to his grandpa? !! 😐😐And something is telling me that unknown yet familiar sound at heaven realm is related to her grandpa:///


See this! I just gifted the story: Balloon


Story is starting to pick up. I have been enjoying these chapters that are filled with interactions between Lina and Kaden. Their past(s) and present are intriguing in their own ways. Look forward to more.




See this! I just gifted the story: Balloon


Wohooo I m loving not only enjoying


Slowly bringing the puzzles together and forming a beautiful story.....still hoping they manage to change their fates


G8 [img=update]


Kaden sure is trying hard to conceal his romantic soul under a lump of ice.


God- such a possessive man-


Oh my loving this book so much can not wait for the next chapter and what could possibly happen for Kaden and Lina


There a lot of puzzle to be fix together here. I think her father and grandfather erase her memory doing that camp and try to use her to their own advantage


What is happening tomorrow?🙂 Anyway I am prepared 🤧


I think king Elisa is the one who has wiped her memory. I also think the reason she wanted to stay away from Kaden is because she feels betrayed because he slept with the golden Rose. The rest I’m still thinking about 🤔🤔


its so confusing.. im mumbling while reading that im so confuse like im reading a poem that was so deep that my head hurts and then want to jump right away to its climax chapter to answer all my questions!! 😅😅😅 I dont understand Lina so as kaden they love each but like they dont. they're sweet,hot and then next sour maybe they playin hide N seek.