
Comments of chapter undefined of I am the young master

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He is alive

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Well well well, look who's back.

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I'm gonna be honest, I hate the new writing style. It's filled with too much unnecessarily complex wording, and just added word vomit to a very simple idea or sentence. It reads more like a college essay; where you have to use big words to appear smart, and have a certain word count to pass the class. Personally, iIprefer the more down to earth simple writing of the rest of the story. It was easier to follow along, and less tedious to try and picture in my head what was going on. If you decide to continue to write this way; all you are really doing is making the story really boring. Since instead of pushing forward with action, the character is stuck not moving, while you use unusual descriptive text to describe what's going on. Hope my feedback helps. I really have enjoyed this story, i found that it was really funny when it was simple and more laid back like in the beginning.

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chapter please

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Thanks for the chapter 👍