
Comments of chapter undefined of I am the young master

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Are you going to introduce a power system for weapon mastery(sword qi, axe qi, etc)? Because, as it stands... it's hard to recognize the power difference between the MC and the other characters(in terms of weapon mastery). So far in the novel, all the descriptions we get for defining the power difference of weapon mastery is like 'that dude's sword qi is weaker than this person's sword qi' Or 'MC's sword qi is stronger than that dude's sword qi', etc. We only get comparisons, but no defining power level. It would be much better if you introduced a weapon mastery system, so we, the readers can easily judge the weapon mastery difference. For example: Intial Intent: You have trained in your weapon for over 50 years(average). A sign that you are close to entering this level is the ability to produce weapon qi(Idea, so it can be integrated into the story easily, so there won't be plot holes). Once achieving this level, not only will your attacks be vastly more powerful, but you will also get a boosted combat prowess in all forms, when activating intent(like boosting speed, reaction time, everything) Intermediate Intent: You have trained in your weapon for over 1 century(average). Amplifies the power of the inten by 10 times when you reach this level. Advanced Intent: You have trained in your weapon for over 2 centuries(average). Amplifies the power another 10 times. Intial Heart Intent: You are one with your weapon, it is indistinguishable from yourself and acts like another part of your body. Amplifies the power by 50 times.(average- 1000 years) And so on. Also geniuses who have greater comprehension abilities will be able to reach it much faster. Though anyone can progress in Intents through time. It just matters how fast you advance. Also I would like to add that if your going to add elements(like fire, water, lightning, etc) into your book at a later time, that you can use the same format for weapon mastery and just call it elemental mastery. Like creating fire qi, lightning qi, etc, when your close to entering the intial intent level(also same amplifiers) and when entering the heart intent level can be said as being one with your element and you get the rest. Anyway, moving back to weapon mastery. This would be a good way to scale power levels of it, instead of just saying 'that person's sword qi is stronger/weaker'. It would make it much more simple to understand where the MC and other characters stand in terms of weapon mastery. Anyway, these are just suggestions.

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Yo jin fen I know you be sneeking glances but ima tell you this know, it aint gana happen my man just drop it and go get Humbled by our MC here

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Thanks for the chapter

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nice chapter 😁

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I wonder when the story will get actual harem/r18 elements

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thanx for the chapter... And congrats on reaching 300k...its just starting.

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hey man. how about you teach someone like in my senior brother is too steady, strongest senior brother. and a couple of other novels where they teach or plan everything about the cliche scenes.

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Thanks for the chappy-chan...

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Thanks for the Chapter

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Thanks for the amazing chapter 👍👍👍👍


How long r we gonna have this boring arc? Its just character intro in long ways

