
Comments of chapter undefined of The Grimm Prince (RWBY)


I liked the idea for this story but the MC savior complex is taking the excitement out of this. I mean how can a person that's fused with millions of entities that run on negative emotions be so positive to the point that it's disturbing. I don't expect the MC to be evil but this savior complex is grossing me out. It just feels very unnatural and forced. With this guy's personality to be this positive despite being mostly grimm. Even if his base was a 15 year old boy, it still doesn't change the fact that he is majority grimm and by a very large number of grimm at that. It would make more sense if he started out evil but slowly gained a sense of humanity and positivity over time while staying with Salem because he had to overcome all the negativity of his grimm side. That would have felt more like a natural progression for this story then this forced goody to shoes behavior we are getting right from the start. Sorry I'm ranting, it's just that i really like your work and this story got my hopes up.


idealist? Do you mean naive? because to me, both are the same.

firedogs13:It’s already been said that despite all the memories of the various Grimm that inhabit his mind, the memories of his life as Jaune still somehow overpower them. And Jaune was a very idealistic person before the events of volume 3, especially when you consider that his dream entering into Beacon was simply “to be a hero”

The stories nice and all but I just wanted to point out that if the new Jaune is indeed a grimm/human hybrid shouldn't his negative emotions be amplified

