
Comments of chapter undefined of Heart of Darkness


SKender’s old witch friend, what’s her name, will help out I just know it!!


I hope Constantine will have the conscience to help out Skender get his way out of this hidden place Nathaniel has brought him! After all they loved the same woman. That abnormal,nasty,crazy,greedy de mon has to go down!!!(I'm sorry,Im just so mad at Nathaniel for making Skender and even his parents suffer and for all the bad things he did) I wonder who's gonna come for help. Would Roxana be the sun needed to block the moon for Nathaniel and the witches plan to not succeed? (I'm not sure if I'm on the right track on this one) Or maybe Grandma can help?Will Rayven come,William perhaps(hopefully they can locate His Majesty) An anger igniting chapter Jazzy✌️😅But I did enjoy it! But please , make the Defender come out 🙏🙏🙏


Seems Constantine is going to save Skender or at least try. Although I have a feeling gma will come and help him by giving him blood or Constantine will help Skender by giving him witch's blood. He just has to figure out how to get a witch away from the other witchs and also break the connection of the spell.


yeiii Constantine for the save.


Great chapter Jasmine, thanks 💕💕 ! I have grown to like Constantine and have been confident that he’ll turn an ally for quite a while. Also, the way his character has been written ever since the volume started and from the end of the last... it didn’t portray someone entirely evil. And if he makes me laugh, and he’s done it several times now... he certainly can’t be that bad. Now, I need to know more about Skender’s parent’s death. If he didn’t use them to create the shades back then, it means he killed them with the only purpose of increasing his strength... Defender’s powers and strength are supposed to be endless when needed; I remember Lucrezia saying that which makes Nathaniel very dangerous. At the same time... even so, he won’t be a rival for Skender. He isn’t a defender, the whole thing is perverted, and there is something he isn’t counting on and that is the strength a demon get from his mate. Even with and army of witches and drained, love and the pull from his mate will make his defender emerge. Constantine will also help. Now, letting go of these thoughts for a moment, I’d like to talk about the never wearing off quality of Defender’s blood as the subject has been brought so many times. Finally, we get some insight!! Defender’s think that it only remains pure if mixed with another defender’s blood but apparently it also happens if it is mixed with an original’s blood. All the times it was mentioned before... It wasn’t about Roxana. It was about this. Jasmine and her great plot construction! Talking about Roxana though, I still hope that the fact that his children will be born from his strong mate will count for something. Defenders are needed in the world... although thinking about it... who cares? Skender will live for an eternity if he so wishes, so it shouldn't matter that much. And pure lineage is definitely not what matters the most, their children will be defenders by nature, not just by blood 😊💗💙 Anyway, It is time for us to see the Defender emerge. We have been waiting ever since last volume. It is one of the pillars of his story. He has so far found his mate, worked through his emotional trauma, overcome fear, found peace within himself and will soon get married. The only thing that is left is this. Nathanael needs to go down and Constantine needs to help. Other enemies will remain, such as his brother Raphael... Talking about him. He did tell Lucrezia that he would deal with his brother. The story behind these two characters must be very interesting. I am actually quite curious to see if he will show up. For the time being... Skender, love, hang in there and keep fighting. I have all the faith in the world when it comes to you and Constantine will lend a hand, I’m sure. He needs to break the witches’ circle. You two share a story and are together in this from the start. This man killed your parents made his life a joke and killed the woman you both loved. It is only fair that both of you shall bring him down. You are also “Skender, Defender of Mankind” who protects humans from the supernaturals. Well, there is no bigger threat than these two brothers, especially if they plan to take over the arch. The golden eyed one though will be left for later ahead when you will all fight together as Lucrezia anticipates but the green eyed one... this one, with so much history behind... I really think this one will be taken care of now while the focus is on you because it closes a circle and it is long due.


As I see it, the three kinds of blood that they've mixed that they are using rn is to create a much more powerful hybrid Archdemon-Destroyer-shifter; or not sure what they would call it. Constantine has to try to make a slip from Nathaniel and any guards on watch and free and take away Skender from there (as much as we know he's also Nathaniel's prisoner). As for the moon, they need it to align the powers from the mixed bloods and my guess would be a bordered seal (gateway or portal) will appear and from there the created "being" will also emerge from the epicenter. But I just hope they will not succeed in doing so this detestable ritual where they are tormenting Skender again. 😡🤬


Wouldn’t it be funny if the gods the witches are praying to is Nathaniel’s brother Raphael (the guy who wants Lucrezia)? 😂🤣 Can Roxana sense where he’s at? Can she also feel him in pain and distressed? Do they know Skender is missing ? I love how confident Alexander is in this chapter; I can’t wait to see what he does when he finally escapes. And I hope Constatine is involved with that escape plan, unfortunately it seems he’s still heavily watched.


Constantine, for the first time, I am happy to have your presence nearby. Fight on the side of Skender and get rid of Dr Frankenstein aka Nathaniel. Constantine, try and distract the witches so the ritual will not be completed as scheduled. Hope help will come soon for Skender.


William saw the vision of the witches dancing around him and cutting his neck. But that was where it ended… please let Constantine or someone else figure out how to get to him before he is sacrificed. It seems the cutting of Skender’s neck is set; but what happens after that is not! Keep fighting Defender! And pay Skender back for his help to you, Constantine!


I'm waiting till he kill that nasty demon


Ps: At the beginning I wondered if they were one and the same. Lucrezia’s torturer and the creator of shades but it doesn’t make sense. We have known for a long time that Lucrezia’s torturer is someone she is planning to defeat with the help of all 7 demons and William’s blood. For Skender’s development we needed an enemy that he could take down and who would make his defender emerge. Raphael can’t play that role as he is plot wise needed in the future. That the man who killed his parents and his beloved friend and is going to kill him is the one he will defeat when his defender emerges, is plot wise perfect🎩🎩


Roxanna feels his pain and distress. She will find a way to get to him and save him. She is very smart and always resourceful! ❤️❤️❤️


Maybe this is why lucrezia told William to store his blood. I don’t know but I need more!!


I do wonder what is happening with Roxana? Can she feel his distress through the bond? Can they find him with her to save him or is it only up to Constantine and himself. I am a nervous rock over here 😵‍💫🥺 Maybe Grandma will show up too. I do wonder if they are more powerful than Nathaniel or if he is only untouchable right now because of the witches 🤔


Lucrezia come get your boy!!!!!


Riveting!! Suspenseful!! Addictive!! Cliffhanger!


See this! I just gifted the story: Inspiration capsule


How do you plan on getting the blood to Skender? Constantine and Skender may look like their fathers but they're definitely not their fathers. The two of them will make a good team against the creator of shades. How will it feel when you get annihilated by a shade you created and a defender you called a boy? You doom is nearer than i thought.


i think constantine is ln skender's side and is thinking if it's possible. they have common enemies now coz that nathaniel killed his love ramona. can't wait for next


That Nathaniel is one sorry joker!! Oh Skender is going to tear him up ~ just wait till grandma finds out!!