
Comments of chapter undefined of Heart of Darkness


Seems like the perfect time for Skender to wake up, and finally tell her the truth about everything.

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In the category of romance, the destroyer gets an F- .


Now is the time for Skender to come back! He was worried his destroyer would scare her, and push her away. Wake up now!


Wake up Skender!!!!


Let her go, destroyer! We want her to accept Skender too, but not like this.


Will Skender be waking now?!

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To be honest to be with Skender, Roxana will have to learn to love all parts of him including the destroyer. So this time with the detroyer may be good if he could come down or if she could come him down and not be scared.



Well, looks like the Destroyer is really trying but as much he tries, he lacks common sense as he is pure desire. I knew she would sense the change. Skender would never behave that way. He won’t hurt her, not by force, I think. But the damage is done. She has now openly seen his split personality and had an encounter with a completely out of character impatient new self. He cannot make her give himself to him without restraints that way. I mean did he really expect she wouldn’t notice the change and would just go with it? He really understands nothing about humans... we need continuity and coherence. Nothing is scarier than a person who, all of a sudden seems like he’s someone else entirely... Does he think that she will just accept things and he will mark her, and it will work? He’ll have done more harm in one night that Skender’s effort to push her away in... how long is it since she became a guard? 10 days? Well, as always, it seems very long but it is just a matter of days Anyway, he says that he doesn’t have much time as Skender will be coming back but at the same time, he’s also scared that he won’t or will with a broken mind (although he’s never met someone so strong, his mind is all over the place, lol)... but after this, I think he’ll be the one begging for Skender to come back... And let’s hope he does, cause the poor thing is drowning in the pain of his memories.... who will retrieve him from there? If it were not because this will make things very difficult, I would like to see the Destroyer like a sad puppy after he messes up. That is a lesson he needs to learn... On another note, I loved Roxana’s thoughts. So determined to win him over and get him to open his heart and cherish it and shower him with love. It is just what he needs when he’s so full of distrust, and as for the woman... unless she talks to Angelica or Lord Rayven... she won’t find out much as it happened 500 years ago. But I’m afraid other problems will occupy us now after the personality shift, and more than wining his heart, she may either want to walk away or commit him somewhere where they can fix his mind... I mean he did talk about killing... Oh, the road to discovery has just begun and it is going to be a tough ride... Didn’t she already hear about Ulric and his men? That they were nowhere to be found? Thing just got way more complicated just now...But as we well know, there’s no other way than just going through it. We can’t cheat the process or skip ahead. The road needs to be walked the whole way...


Well well Roxana was playing with fire and she might get 🔥 burn 🔥… Hopefully Alexander wakes up and safes her… he knight in shining armor


🤦🏼‍♀️ Patients definitely isn't in the Destroyers wheel house. Soften yourself man or you will loose this battle, both internally and externally. Let some of Skender surface just for this moment. I hope they can find the balance to be as one.


See this! I just gifted the story: Pizza

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Skender help Rox!! What is happening?!?!


Ooo noooo if skender can’ surface hopefully lucrezia will appear and help roxana. O boy Saturday is wayyy to far away


See this! I just gifted the story: Ice cola


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See this! I just gifted the story: Ice cola


The destroyer needs to stop himself before he hurts her. Skender please wake up and slow this process down and be gentle. Or maybe the destroyer should show himself, but he definitely needs to stop scaring her.


Ohhhh nooo!!!


The defender needs to make an appearance and smooth out these other two. Skender wants to be with Roxana yet he’s pushing her away for fear of getting hurt. Meanwhile, the destroyer is soo eager he’s pushing her away causing her fear. We need the defender to equal them all out and be the reason among the three. Oh Jasmine you are killing us with these cliffhangers! I hope all went well with your exams amd you can take a rest soon.


Arrrrggghhhhh nooooo dont use force just tell her what you are let her see it to believe it, she will come to accept i know it