
Comments of chapter undefined of Heart of Darkness


I think the destroyer taking over is what will awaken the defender


Uh oh: the destroyer is now out…. This will go badly until the defender finds his way to the surface. Will the destroyer go to Roxana right away? I feel so bad for all that Skender endured as a child 😢


Now that was heartbreaking to read🥺😥 Poor Skender suffered a lot eversince he was younger😭😭I just want to comfort him🥺 But with all those memories flashed through him, the destroyer emerges! I wonder what he'll do. In dealing with everyone? With Roxana? Now she gets to see a different side of him...would the other Lords notice its not Skender? thankies for the chAp, Jazzy😊


Uh oh! Poor Skender is in total emotional turmoil and the Destroyer is coming out to potentially kill or at the very least wreak havoc…I’m kind of scared to see what could come next 😳


I know his parents and grandmother were trying to help but he was JUST a boy!!! They traumatized him. It was painful to read and as a child, things get stuck, like speaking of how he should be dead and how he is useless all the time. No wonder he has trust issues and other issues.  I am not sure how I feel about the destroyer taking over. It feels like trouble and more problems might arise. He is fine when he is still under Skender’s control to some extent but when he takes over completely not sure. Hopefully, he doesn’t act all aggressive and “Mine” thing and scare Roxana away.  God! I am nervous.


This is so sad. But, I feel the destroyer has to take over in order for things to fall into place. You cannot have 1 without the other. Balance is needed. By numbing one the other cannot also live. I'm hopeful this is the key to moving forward for Skender in every aspect.


Cant wait for the next chapter


i'm so sad for Skender but i'm glad he is facing the truth. this way he can move forward. also i didn't realise before but from Skender pov Romana seems selfish. And Destroyer is out now is he gonna get Roxana back or get revenge🤔


I still think we need a Ramona POV. I would love to explore what she went through and learn more about her. We don’t know where she came from or who she is exactly.


This is so sad I feel sorry for skender what all he went threw when he was a kid but I no roxy is going to help him


Oh Oh, has the destroyer decided to seize control? Skenders past is sabotaging his current circumstances. It’s like one step forward, ten steps backwards. Indecision, indecision. Destroyer has put him to sleep 😴 and seize control. Oh dear 😅 a storm ⛈ might be brewing. Zarus take cover 😃


This was so deep. 🥺


Uh oh, he better not inadvertently harm Roxana. She’s been through a lot and needs love too.


Something is going to happen but what? I hope lucrezia can help like last time. I have a feeling lucrezia will go to roxana first and then to the destroyer. Unfortunately skender has to go through this to understand and become stronger. He will need roxana to pull him out of this darkness. Heartbreaking chapter but very well written.


I actually think the destroyer will do more good for Skender than harm. He knows everything hes been through and i think actually wants to help him get over his past so that they can finally become one. Im really excited for the next chapters 😊


Oh my goodness!!!!! I couldn’t stop the tears running from my eyes. Reading Alexander be tortured while he was a little boy. Those painful memories. I know the destroyer has taken over right now. Is the reason the destroyer didn’t want Skender to remember is it because it will make the defender stronger? Thank Jasmine for this chapter. Definitely wanting another one today. 😊


We know everything happens for a reason; but I feel like it's going to be more dreadful than ever with the destroyer out in full swing. But I'm hoping this will balance out to let out the defender, too. The destroyer knew all this time what Skender had all gone through in his life; so if his destroyer's to make a bit of trouble rn, I hope "it's" after the ones who should pay for him.

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Jasmine, I’m happy to see the original book cover! I liked the second one, but really did like the first! Will you at some point put up the one for volume 2 that I saw a while back on Instagram?



Woah!!!😰😢😩😢 Skender has lived a very sad life and is still living in sadness as his unable to leave his past behind...I just hope he can be able to make peace within himself.