
Comments of chapter undefined of Heart of Darkness


She likes him already. i wonder what Skender thought when he saw her. it seemed like Lazarus is interested in her too. can't wait to see what happens next😊


Ok... wasn't there mention of her village / town being taken over and burned? also I know she talks about her legs but also occasionally mentions body with scaring and that it won't let her forget what she's been through... I am wondering if she was burned when invasion happened and was trying to escape the house & village?

Linda_Rutherford:A wonder what scared her legs

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Alexander and Roxana meet again!!!😍 But I'm curious as to the shift in the mood, did the destroyer came out and somehow..the way I see it..Skender is trying to control it?(am I right with that one?) Gotta be an interesting training this is for Rox!Fighting!!! Careful at the castle though, esp your own thoughts thankies for the chapter💕

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I love Skender so I was worried his volume would be all sad and tortured. So glad we have Roxana. She brings the light that was needed. With Skender, the shift between himself and the destroyer seems have become less obvious from his previous POV. don't know if any shift happened here. we will see.

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Well this was funny knowing they all can read her mind lol....😅 We missed on this fun with Angelica because of her background, but will obviously be catching up on all the fun now đŸ˜đŸ‘ŒđŸ»

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This is going to be interesting!!! I can’t wait for more

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I found this chapter to be quite entertaining. I wonder how long Skender’s destroyer nature will tolerate Roxana’s lying. For Roxana’s sake, King Alexander’s defender nature needs to prevail, especially when she is alone with him.

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Another amusing chapter, can’ t wait for Larus and the Lords to pester the king. 😂

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Surprised! Iam enjoying the volume about Skender, especially this new twIst with Roxana. The fact he knows who she is and she is unaware makes It even more exciting to read. Great chapter! Cant wait to see what is to come!!

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Oh this is going to be nice entertainment for the lords


Oh boy, what will Rox/ana try next?

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I love how all of them can hear her thoughts. Skender is going to hear her fall for him so deeply without her knowledge. I can’t wait to see how this unfolds. Keep the chapters coming!!! đŸ„°đŸ„°đŸŽ‰

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😂😂 “Oh lord Heavenly Father I take shelter in you” 😂😂 I just LOVE this book and laughed out loud when I read this chapter😂😂

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Oh this is already so amusing and hilarious, I can‘t wait to read what comes next 🙈 I am also wondering if Skender might not be able hearing her thoughts đŸ€” it is just a thought of mine
 because if she is really going to be his mate wouldn‘t it be strange if he could hear her thoughts? I am curious what Jasmine has in her mind 😁 Oh and I hope we get this in Skenders POV. That would already answer my thought about him being able hearing her thoughts or not 🙃

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Roxana is hilarious. She’s at the same time, mischievous and shameless yet innocent and pure. If they couldn’t read her mind, she would trick them all. Zarus must be having so much fun. Unpopular thoughts. If Skender and his dilemmas take too long, Zarus may end up developing an interest
 and don’t hate me, I wouldn’t oppose. He doesn’t stand a chance, of course, but it could be interesting and for several reasons, even good for both
 Anyway, just a thought. I’m probably wrong. Moving on, one thing that could be hilarious would be Skender teasing Rox
 Flirting with “him”. I would love to see that. How would she take it? She’s so taken by him that she would have a really hard time
It would also be a little dramatic of course, as she’ll soon hear the rumors and she doesn’t know that he knows
 But before all that
 the shifting moods
 Oh, he is so conflicted our king beloved
 I’m not even sure it is the destroyer. He doesn’t need him not to want to fall in love again and he was already trying to not think about her before the destroyer emerged. I’m pretty sure his reaction to realizing that “she didn’t trouble him” and to enjoying finding her there is more troublesome in itself
 hopefully we’ll be hearing his thoughts soon and won’t have to wait. Very sweet and candid how taken she is. No further motives, just him. Loving Fanny as well. He seems like a true friend.

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Cant wait to hear Skender’s POV on all this!


Wonder if Skender recognized her!

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See this! I just gifted the story: Pizza

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So much amused with this chapter; I can only wait on what's to happen next with these two, which will get more enticing as we delve deeper unto them. đŸ˜đŸ˜đŸ„° I just hope Skender's destroyer won't be that troubling for him when now Rox is in the picture and surely they'll be having many encounters in the castle.

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See this! I just gifted the story: Ice cola

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This is probably an unpopular opinion, but so far I really don’t like Rox/Roxanna. Not for Skenders mate at least. Maybe she’ll grow on me.