
Comments of chapter undefined of Heart of Darkness


How old is William now? Rayven or Skender may have to give William the birds and the bees talk. (Lol) It’s been a few years now. I was hoping by now that Rayven and Angelica. Would be expecting their first child. Is Rayven still scared of having children? It would be interesting to see. How the other Lords would react towards the baby. Will they be over protective uncles or will they be jealous of Rayven.


The first paragraph said he was 15


5 years later and William has entered court. His fascination for Lucrezia continues but he found out what she did to Angelica so he has a love hate thing for her. interesting. And the destroyer might be awakened soon. Curious to see how how plays out.


Glad to see our William back😊😍And he's achieved a lot😎💕Angelica,Rayven and His Majesty are surely proud of him (and so are we🤭🤩) I love how he genuinely cares for His Majesty(and vice versa amidst the rumours-and I'm impressed by His Majesty just ignoring all malicious things said bout them) but yeah Will is right that The Destroyer is part of Skender. It probably needs to come out now, for him to learn to control it and use it when needed (perhaps) to have the balance of things. It will be tough for him, but His Majesty can do it...they should coexist(with the destroyer being controlled of course) to be the great King that he is and will be. I was wondering though what sign Lucrezia is waiting for to awaken The Destroyer? Thanks for the chapter 💕


William is grown up now. I thought Rayven and Angelica would have a baby by now. Is that not possible?🤔 They must be doing sth to train him for Destroyer all this years but i guess he doesn't care in this state. so numbing him was a mistake. i'm curious what's gonna happen when he wakes up


Oh, William! Such a sweet, wise kid


Oh William; Skender is so lucky to have you. And we all want Skender to come back 100%. His defender is in there too. 💙


Skender and William both are lucky to have each other


Ah Will we LOVE having you around. Seems like Will will be part of Skenders journey as much as Skender was there for Rayven. Yay!


Back in last volume, I had these long conversations with a friend. She’s another one, so faithful to Skender. We didn’t meet till late on the book, but I believe she probably loved him from the start, like myself. When we found out about the defender, before the destroyer, before everything, I remember saying how I wished Skender’s need to protect William would be what would awaken the Defender. Later on (still before the Destroyer), I remember telling her that even if we wanted that, that the lady he would come to love would most certainly play a fundamental part. Well, I think that this way, we will be getting everything that we want which in the end is mainly that William’s role as well as Skender’s lady will both be as important. William has been what has kept Skender’s alive and sane. And he will keep doing it. But for the Destroyer’s integration he may need someone else as well, namely his mate… His demon has had such an unnatural development… Cursed, dormant, rejected… Even though Destroyer may resist William as he resists anything that makes him feel vulnerable (and Skender will have to fight back then) it may have a harder time resisting his mate, because destroyer or not, this woman will be all of his different parts’ mate. The Defender, the Destroyer, himself… Even if the destroyer tries, can he resist the pull of his mate…? Also… 5 years have passed, and William is all grownup now, wow! Well, no wonder I got that feeling on the second chapter. And I quite like it to be honest that his story doesn’t start straight away after we last saw them. It makes more sense. The whole purpose of numbing the destroyer was giving Skender more time. To prepare, to grieve properly… and why not, to give destiny a chance. Now Lucrezia is waiting for a sign. A sign saying that the time is right. I am glad she stopped the marriage pressures and all things considered, (Skender’s been a king for what, 6 years?) things aren’t that bad. I presume she had her hands on the courtiers to stop them from bothering too much, otherwise the pressures for him to marry would be unbearable… I’m also not surprised that William is angry at her as I had been expecting it for a long time. He was bound to find out and it was to be expected that he wouldn’t take it lightly. Her reply was what I had envisioned as well. It was inevitable and was for the better. “Look at where your sister is now”. And talking about his sister… Hopefully we will be finding out more soon… Are they still trying or is there a child? Is the school a reality now? William will still need to grow quite a bit for Lucrezia to start seeing him like a man and then he’ll have to prove himself as such… For the time being, he’s an amazing young man. We can all relate to his dilemma. Wanting to take Skender’s pain away and not wanting him just to breath while he wastes away yet needing to keep him alive. Doing it despite the pain it causes him because you cannot yet come up with a solution or the courage it will take to bring the destroyer back. Because as Lucrezia said, nothing is ever certain. It is also a gamble. A very risky one. But I have faith. And as always, everything involving William and Skender melts my heart, even if there’s pain 💙💕

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What did Lucretia do to Angelica?


William was an amazing child and now he has become an outstanding young man. I believe that within their hearts, Skender and William are fathet and son. Their relationship is what will sustain each of them during Skender’s trials and transition. When people don’t know the truth about relationships, they tend to let their imaginations get the best of them. There will be mud on their faces after Skender finally falls in love again and gets married to the woman who adores him. She will love him not became he is eye candy, but because she loves his soul.

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I glad to see willian been there for skender and giving him good advice


I might have missed something but when did the timeline move up? Is it just happening at the start of this chapter or when we first met Roxana?


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aw, Will, that's love right their! ( Philia, not Eros. )