
Comments of chapter undefined of Heart of Darkness


1.1 General Reflection This volume is coming to an end. Change is difficult sometimes. For many, changing the focus will be hard and it is understandable. I think one of the great things about this being and heptalogy (or septology -relative to a saga or cycle of seven) is that it will help us be more flexible. We tend to suffer from tunnel vision in romance. We see the ML and ML alone. We are over-protective and over-indulgent and prone to produce enemies everywhere. The supposed Rayven-Skender antagonism was a good example of that. With this series, we will also inevitably have male leads that we will come to like more than others and it will be different for each one of us. I for instance have preferred Skender to Rayven as he’s more my type but have spent most of the book writing lengthy and copiously about Rayven and Angelica and only recently, as the focus has started to shift begun to focus mostly on Skender (although I’ve written about Lucrezia just as much). Angelica an Rayven have been through an intense journey that has brought them to this point where they love each other. Their story isn’t over but being the main focus is. And I am ok with it. I’ve been with them every step of that steep climb. They have reached destination now. They have a very long life ahead of course, moments to share, children to have (as many as Rayven can give her lol) but the point of the story was the process that they had to go through to get to that. I am ready for that change and don’t feel nostalgic because they aren’t going anywhere. However, as their characters have been unveiled and their love fulfilled, for me it is time to move on. It feels organic and natural. The transition to Skender makes perfect sense as he has not only been the most important character among the Lords in this volume but because he’s close to William and Angelica. That connection is fundamental. Angelica holds the memories of the woman he loved and William… he isn’t just his desired son, but they share a destiny together that we will get to follow through the stories of all the other Lords. Skender, being the most powerful, their leader and the King is a character that I presume will continue to be central throughout all the volumes. Anyway, when I think about this volume ending, I ask myself. What is left, what would I still like to see? Two are the things that we must and will for sure see. The others aren’t vital but would be nice, according to me. Angelica and Rayven at the Royal palace or at some social gathering, for instance. I’m not a vengeful person but seeing the look on the faces of those who looked down on her, who pitied them, scorned them and spoke ill of them, Sir Shaw included, would be rewarding. A small view of Simu’s story I would definitely appreciate and following up on Lord Green, just to know what happened would be interesting as well. As for the ‘Musts’. The conversation they owe each other “I love you with all my heart” and riding under the sun. And wouldn’t that scene make for a perfect “season finale”?


That would be an absolutely fabulous season finale! 🥰❤


I can’t wait to see how the Lords deal with Skender’s personality transplant! This is a different Skender than the one they have grown used to


Skender feels betrayed and used. It so sad to see him going through all that! Stay strong Skender


Wow!! I just witnessed a strange change. In the meantime, Rayven must be carefulful when he approaches and responds to Skender. And Skender must choose someone in whom he will confide. Hopefully, that someone will be William.


The Skender they knew is gone. Or maybe not gone but not leading right now. It looks like the Lords need to live their life and not tread on Skender’s bad side… Now I am wondering what Angelica will think of Rayven’s injuries. I don’t know what he will tell her either; it wasn’t self-inflicted but I’m not sure he will want to tell her it was Skender. Will he protect Skender’a reputation with her?

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oh shoot... I'm gonna have to take it back that I liked this cold Skender (well it could be good in some way- like to push himself to be more of the leader that he is) but he's hella scary with what took place there between him and Rayven. Heartless, like there some angst inside of him, wicked. Rayven is supposedly okay before this meeting, but I dunno how he is after those words said by Skender. He would just have to accept and endure for the time being. And work with this Skender, it's probably him that'll help out in bringing back the gentle Skender and the real defender in him. Maybe the destroyer personality atm, comes out selectively?🤔 The emotions that the old Skender weren't able to express, the destroyer would do that now. (is it how he'd destroy others? besides maybe physically but mentally?) I hope not.🥺🙏 And is there a deeper meaning to Skender wanting William?🤔 Jazzy I'm scared, it's only been few chaps but bring back the gentle Skendz🥺🙏 At the same time, it's thrilling to see him like this though, like you won't know what to expect of him.😏😉 Thank you for the chapter 😊


Wow..just wow! I wonder what will become of our sweet Skender

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Uh oh Skender has been reset. This is worrying. I wonder if he will be this cold with Angelica or William ?



I understand that Rayven has said hurtful things to Skender but he can keep his claws out of my man's neck 😠 He was trying to apologize and that's not easy for Rayven.


1.2 A much-needed conversation finally took place. Admitting to those feeling is as much part of his process of redemption and his new reality as a married man. Learning to share his feelings with her is something that he needs to do and will help him. Acknowledging things helps us to move forward. I hope nothing gets twisted in this day Rayven has planned. So much planning gives the impression that it could get ruined. I hope he goes to Lucrezia as she expects him to, and then goes home to his wife. I’m very curious to the conversation he will have with her. How will it go? And I am also very curious as to how he will handle what happened with Skender. Will the guilt make him cover for him and make him remain silent? If so, for how long? Seeing Rayven emerge from the shadows has always been a beautiful thing to watch. Now that he has emptied himself with Angelica, he’s ready to be the man he needs to be not just for her but for William and Skender as well. His true support and friend. As I said in another comment, that we have in this volume seen the (anti) hero not be the good one, not save the day makes perfect sense regarding what the book is about. While Rayven managed to get over himself, Skender shone in the department of intelligence, reason and kindness. Now that pride has been redeemed, it will be Rayven’s time to step and help him, fight for him, be a guiding light. He owes Skender a great deal and now that he’s a new man, he’ll be up to the task of observing his behavior and calling him out. But as he’s still learning, for the time being, as questionable as Skender remark was, it was a new learning opportunity for Rayven. He now knows what it feels to be on the other side. Destroyer or not, what Skender told Rayven was most certainly a comeback on his actions and his hurtful words. Truth is, what Rayven did was quite terrible and thinking that an apology alone would suffice would be naïve. I’m not defending Skender, don’t get me wrong something quite terrible is going on, I’m just saying that Rayven will have to toughen up and take it. “Too late” means he’s too late for everything after he didn’t have the decency of telling him the truth, never gave him a choice and let him walk in blind while there was the possibility of a destroyer emerging and his life was on the line. “Too late” also means that Rayven was right, that he was too late to save her. But Skender already knows that so when Rayven told him that “he wouldn’t just sit and wait until the woman he loved was killed” he crossed a line. And now he’s getting a very hurtful come back. What I find more unlike Skender, beyond the claws, is how vengeful the comment is. Because he’s entitled to anger, but he certainly chose a painful spot to hurt him. His vanity, and his envy. That said, I can’t fault him when he calls him out on it later. There are no fundaments for his jealousy. He even gave them his blessing. Anyway, as I see it, there is a change that has taken place that isn’t solely related to the destroyer. The pain of betrayal, Ramona’s, his parents’, Rayven’s… The pain of finding out… as many nuances as may be found… it is just too much. Before the destroyer came fully forward, he already intended to become more reserved, shield his heart. I think that that is why the Destroyer side of his demon is able to come forward, what gives him a way in. That and a strong will (he emerges every time his life is on the line). At some level the Destroyer is doing what Skender wouldn’t allow himself to do, standing for him where he didn’t before and in some twisted way “protecting him”. Problem is, even if he does need some of this, as unbalanced as he is right now, this new side won’t stop at that. Not until he accepts it, accepts what it acts on (he needs to accept his subconscious desires) and work through all that.


Also do we beleive that Rayven told Angelica that he knew he could turn into a destroyer if he helped Angelica?


Welp... 💩 is about to hit the fan...


I Skender is struggling with his destroyer taking control but I do hope that him and Rayven can come to make up. Don't give up Rayven on helping Skender and being there to support him no matter what he says and does to you. They all need to come together and henis starting to see them from a different perspective because of Angelica.


Oh boy… There’s a new Skender in town and I am here for it ‼️ I caaanot WAIT to see how he handles these egos ♨️

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I don't like this new Skender. :(


Let's see how would Skender be as a "destroyer" that randomly shows bit by bit with his demeanor and appearance plus in his ongoing interactions with the other demons. This is just only a scratch on the surface; but I know that the Destroyer in him would develop into something worth phenomenal and magnificent gradually as it is destined for him to be. This is something beneficial and with purpose for him and not per se as a destroyer that comes into mind.

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Thanks for the chapter Jas. I wondered if you were planning on updating heart of darkness and have volumes in the book for Skender’s story or have a whole new book on Webnovel? Hopefully I am not jumping the gun too much.


So, what do you do, when your mochi 🍡 becomes walnuts 🌰(well there is no walnuts emoji)


One of the things I am looking forward in this volume is seeing the development of the relationship between Rayven and Skender but also between Skender and Blayze. I doubt his “augmented personality” will take very kindly to Blayze’s recurrent taunts. Also, looks like we will finally get a glimpse on Mazzon 👏😅 Also, I almost forgot... I've been wondering... can Skender hear the other demon's thoughts now? I know that ot doesn't take a genius to know that Rayven is jealous... but could it also be that now he can read his mind? Let's nor forget that Lucrezia can... he's an archdemon with an extrapowerful (an nasty) demon at that now, so I'm thinkinking, perhaps 🧐🤔?