
Comments of chapter undefined of Heart of Darkness


I don't even want to imagine what Skender is going throughšŸ˜¢ and I think this will lead to the revelation of Ramona's death... i still don't trust that witch though, I just wish for this to be over soon.


I actually think Marie may be a good match for Skender. But I worry about him unleashing his powers soon and not being able to control it. How can Marie help him? I worry for Angelica and her safety. And Rayvenā€™s sanity. I hate how Skender is being treated in all this too. He is also suffering. This (hopefully temporary) loss of Angelica is part of his redemption. I hope they can all pull through soon.


My heart hurts for Angelica, Rayven, Skender and William. Constantine canā€™t be more powerful than them. Hopefully they will figure out a way to save her and kill the shades soon.


I am getting really nervous what Constantine is planning to use Angelica for now šŸ˜¬ It sounds fishy and Indont trust him at all. The fact that everytime he smiles or looks at her she even gets an uncomfortable vibe feeling from his intentions. Please Rayven gain your mind back and figure out how to save her before something goes wrong. Will he take some of William's blood to get a power boost? Waiting for the next chapter is going to be nerve racking, I was floating on cloud nine after of bliss from them being together and happy. Such a rollercoaster ride right now I need Angelica to fight her way out or to stay safe till Rauven can save her šŸ™ Believe me Angelica he may be loosing his mind but he will find away to save you. It does make me nervous with Skender, hopefully he doesnt trigger something to soon and become a destroyer šŸ¤” then again that might be what needs to happen. So many twist and secrets that still need to be uncovered.


Part two So much pain for Rayven and Skenderā€¦ Flesh torn for the first, a wound never healed for the second. And their fellow demons seeing the prideful demon, crying, powerless and helpless. When I read that long paragraph about Skender, besides heartache I was once again tempted to say it was platonic. Maybe it was. But Iā€™ll keep waiting. ā€œHe never got the chance, even for a day to be her manā€. Well maybe he had a nightā€¦? And maybe she had a dream and realized she had to leave himā€¦ if she wanted to save himā€¦ or her child? I know I sound like a broken recordā€¦ Donā€™t mind me, Iā€™m delirious or senileā€¦ We insist on the ideas we likeā€¦ But I feel so much for him. He is so alone. He cannot even say heā€™s Angelicaā€™s friend or Rayvenā€™s. He is a defender and yet he never is able to defendā€¦ But he always tries. We ought to love him for that. Oh, when Marie told him that she wanted him I immediately reactedā€¦ wouldnā€™t she be an interesting option for my favorite man? A witch could be a very positive addition by his side. For the Kingdom, to help him with his demon, his powers, the uncontrollable sideā€¦ I wouldnā€™t oppose for the story to begin being physical, although I doubt it. But if it were, it would be an interesting change. As would be seeing Skender fight feelings and desire he doesnā€™t want to have but canā€™t eventually hold back. All this while the court is trying to force on him a very politically suitable wifeā€¦ In this book the political dimension and dialogue will play a major part. That is going to be quite a challenge as it really isnā€™t easy writing that of stuff. Either way it is all too premature. First, weā€™ll have to see how sheā€™ll react. I think she will help him. If she doesnā€™t, seeing him so desperateā€¦ and for a good causeā€¦ she isnā€™t worth our time. But as hope is what is lost last, as I said back thenā€¦ Please Marie, be a good person!!!! and help Skender too!!! Hold on Angelica, youā€™re doing fine so farā€¦ Rayven, breath and calm down and trust your wife!!!. I donā€™t see how to unearth Constantineā€™s secretā€¦ but maybe Marie could help with her witchery witchy craft? And Lord Rayve, pleaseā€¦ Look after Williamā€¦ heā€™s as fierce when it comes to his sister as are you when it comes to your wifeā€¦..


Poor Angelica. The traumas never seem to end for her. And this little demon group canā€™t seem to hold it together and figure out what to do now


oh wow what an unexpected turn of events....poor Skender using himself to help Angel. šŸ˜„ What will the witch really do with Skender? Come on Rayven and Skender, our Angel needs you! Constantine better not lay another finger on Angel. šŸ˜¤


Part One. Oh, I love action! Constantine is definitely someone ā€œgoodā€ when on his good side (aka obeying and doing whatever he wants) and so bad that his subordinates would rather die along with their families before betraying him. They are terrified of him. I will notā€¦ I promise not toā€¦. I will do my best to not try to conjugate the hypothesis todayā€¦ Not regarding him anyway!!!! Angelica did as good as could be expected in such a predicament. Iā€™m glad she managed to keep calm. Her situation is very difficult. Under no circumstances can she expose Williamā€¦ that would kill her in a much more painful way than Constantine ever could. Telling him that she might work with him if she told her everything he planned to do was very naĆÆve thoughā€¦ but it is all about buying time, I donā€™t think she expected him to. ā€œI canā€™t for my safety and for your ownā€. Well, Constantineā€™s enemy is powerful, and he would undoubtedly kill them bothā€¦ why do I keep thinking about Lucreziaā€™s fatherā€¦? Her sister Luciana? Skender as a tool..? Nevermind. I said I would not try to guess so Iā€™m just going to say that Mystery Man Constantine has some very interesting secrets to hide. He is affected every time Ramona is mentioned. His face twitched when Angelica said she knew what he did to her. Maybe he didnā€™t kill her but someone else did or she killed herself which were the options I entertainedā€¦ unless he lost control? Did he like her, love her? He was surely affected by herā€¦ Thinking about how to circumvent the blood thing I had only come up with what she didā€¦ telling him about her mom taking the burden or not knowing where it went. It might work for a while because it will take him some time to think that the prophet may now be a male. That is the only advantage theyā€™ve got, prophetesses only being females for centuries. Once he finds out, Rayveā€™d better have his secret as leverage, otherwiseā€¦ Second plan is very disturbingā€¦ why do I have the feeling it involves Skenderā€¦? If he canā€™t be strong enough from her blood, he can still force him to bring his powers forward if he threatens herā€¦ Make him become that destroyer, use him to kill his enemyā€¦


Skender , Rayven, Angelica, and WillšŸ’”šŸ’”šŸ’”šŸ’”šŸ’”,my heart breaks for them. Although this is an abrupt decision on his part I hope Skender made the right choice. ( I think he did) Although Lucrezia and co. didn't want him involved, that's too late now. He's too attached. He cared for Angelica so much, so helping her would be natural for him. I wonder how Marie can help him. Would Marie be able to cast a spell to awaken his demon powers? will Marie's power be enough to be able to do that. She seems genuine to liking him too, but could 'them' work in the demons and witches' world? I hope Marie gets to stop him from turning into 'the destroyer' though. I hope to see Skender's defender side.i love his character so much that . I can't bare to watch him falter, so I really hope he succeeds this time around.šŸ’• Tack JazzyšŸ˜Š


I hope Maria is a good person for skender and not a bad choice


I thought Lucrezia told Rayven to keep Skender out of this, it would be amazing if Rayven set up the whole punching the shade to distract and keep Skender away but I donā€™t actually think he can be that composed in this situation. I really hate how all the cards seem to be stacked against them. Come on Rayven we need you to man up! Skender hmmm not sure about this Witch yet, time will tell.


I actually like Marie, I don't know why by I do, got a feeling she may be Skender's mate and his savior eventhough she is a witch and usually demons and witches are enemies


Let's hope it won't end as the prophecy William witnessed šŸ¤žšŸ» What a heartbreaking situation!


I worried about Angelina safety I hope she will be ok and one get to her safety


Man, this this chapter tugged at my heart. I felt every word Rayven said šŸ™. Skender going to Marieā€¦hope it was the right move. Not going to lie, Iā€™m a little nervous for Angelica. Really curious about this second plan.


Everyone is so hurt, broken and confused. I hope no one gets hurt except constantine and the rest of his minions.


Constantine is the one with ā€the heart of darknessā€.


I donā€™t trust him at all


All these secrets and hidden information. Itā€™s driving me crazy!


I'm just heartbroken here šŸ˜­ They are all hurting and I with them. I can't imagine what Constantine is planning to use Angelica for. I just hope she finds a way out. Our Angel is resourceful and smart, she can find a way. Maybe William's powers will guide them. My poor William šŸ˜¢ I hope Rayven stays sane in all this šŸ˜” Thanks Jasmine!


He needs to marry someone anyway. I hope Marrie is a good person and truly loves him. Maybe he will love her in time