
Comments of chapter undefined of Heart of Darkness


I thought he could just hold her hand. Oof. This is stressful!


How can he say he wants an alliance when he forcefully removes her from her home and will now forcefully take her blood?? And what happens when he does not get the power he expects from her blood? Will she remain safe or will he discard her as useless and move on? What could his secret be and how will Rayven find it? This is his time to use his brain and not his pride/fighting skills. Come on Rayven; I know you can do this. Work with your friends (but not Skender). And stop being mean to Skender also!!


I LOVED this chapter! First of all, Rayven being able to sense her because of the marking/bond that they have… beautiful… After sensing something was wrong fear washing over him as he immediately teleported home… not just any fear… fear of losing what is most precious to him… and after hearing/seeing William, realizing that his fears might become true(you can actually imagine that heartbreaking scene)… Then all the Lords and Skender immediately going after him, concerned about what was happening to him…then the highlight!!… Rayven saying he LOVES Angelica out loud!! He loves her… and he is already imagining the worst… what if the same thing that happened to Ramona is happening to Angelica. Skender once said he was too late so he couldn’t save Ramona. So it is not that he wants to be bitter towards Skender, it is just that he doesn’t want to wait and “be late” to save Angelica, he is desperate… After all Angelica is his beating heart, the air in his lungs, the light in his life…no… she is his LIFE I recommend to listen to “Wayward Sisters” by Abel Korzeniowski and “The Departure” by Max Richter while reading this chapter 🎵🎶 I don’t think Angelica is in danger at all. I think we tend to oversimplify things. We like to tag people and we have tagged Constantine as the “bad” guy but people are complicated/complex. I think he is getting desperate to achieve his goals, but at this point we don’t know a lot about him and his intentions. I am keeping an open mind about him. I have loved the last two chapters because they have given contrast to the love story… when there is darkness, light seems to be brighter… as you realize life is fragile and that you can lose everyone and everything in a blink of an eye then you know you need to cherish every moment as if there is no tomorrow…


Catman 1: Rayven 0 Skender’s demon is going to explode ahead of time, is that why Lucrezia told him to leave skender out of it? Does the secret have to do with the arch demons? Also Angelica’s gift is now split between two people, Rayven didn’t wake up Superman after he had her blood so I’m guessing catman needs to have both hers and William’s blood? So many questions/fangs, very little answers


Oh goD 😭


Nooooo, I wanted a longer chapter 😭😭😭


My heart was beating out of my chest reading these chapters. I’m so scared for her!


Wonder if this is how the book will end… Angelica being saved, Skender being involved nonetheless (even if Rayven tries not to involve him, he will involve himself. He has to. For William, for Rayven, for her. We would resent him otherwise) and his demon out of control… if he’s the next book it would make sense. Of course, if we are supposed to see babies, school for young girls, etc then it wouldn’t as the other stuff needs time... Probably a very unpopular opinion here but I’m actually happy that this has finally come to pass. It was bound to so, better not to keep waiting 😏 🤷‍♀️… Very curious about what Constantine’s secret is… and it involves someone Lucrezia cares about…? Who could that be? Her sister Luciana, perhaps? I may change my mind now… Perhaps the one involved with Constantine wasn’t Lucrezia, but her sister, and she was complicit and that’s why they were both punished by their dad…? Theories are fluid, you know, it’s part of the fun 😅… Same thing with Ramona. I have no knowledge whatsoever about the workings of the prophetic mind but, are we to believe that ever since Ramona passed, it spent 500 years wandering around until the right host (aka Angelica) came to life? I don’t know why that would sound strange… (because as a friend of mine pointed out, that there is a prophetic mind waiting for a body isn’t strange, what is, is that it should have to wait such a long time 😂😂) but it does… But maybe it would make more sense that there haven’t been more prophets cause otherwise Constantine’s interest in Angelica would become more mysterious and unsettling… and personal! what is it that he wants??? That strange feeling Angelica got from Constantine when he talked about Ramona… We really need to explore that. I have for a long time wondered. If there was more than just the blood… Did he want her as well? Did he force himself on her? I dread the answers, but I really need to know. I said it not long ago. The time of Rayven in nigh 😂. But he better breath and think and plan and not go all Blayze on us, God knows nothing good would come from that… I’m looking forward to seeing him work to find the secret. He was horrible to Skender, and we understand because of the distress he was in, but it wasn’t alright. Also, he finally put words to the feelings in his heart. And as I said back then, I can’t complain from seeing him on his knees, begging. It is dramatic, yes, but it was also a beautiful sight.


He wants William's blood! what if Constantine got some illness something(maybe thats his secret) and the prophetess blood is the cure? or maybe having the blood will tell him something on this secret he has...m I hope Angelica handles herself well here. Rayven needs to calm down(it's understandable though that he's not) but he gotta be careful with his choice of words. Skender must be hurt and would want to redeem himself and help Angelica ( I hope it wouldnt lead to him being the destroyer)🥺🙏




This is a mess, but somewhere I feel calm and sense it will all be for the good in the end. The situation with Constsntine will be dealth with, We will find more about Skender and his demon and to see Rayven fight for Angelica so desperately... 🖤 Let's not lose hope 🤞🏻


Whew!! This chapter is something else. By any means necessary, that nasty, conniving shade, Constantine, MUST be utterly defeated and then meet his demise. Yes, I feel strongly about it!


Why so many riddles?!? Just tell us what you want! You better not harm her!


Be smart Rayven, be smart. I wonder if Skender will be able to stand back and let Rayven handle it.




oh no😱 someone save Angel!


Oh no!!! Rayven please to Angelica fast! Is Constantine really going bite her? Please no


Finally, Rayven did sense her but too late. What js the Secret that can hurt constantine? Then what Is he going to do once he finds out she is Not a what he thought? It was a short but the details were there that just say UGhh, I need more 👀🤔


I hope he doesn’t Try to hurt her after he finds her blood isn’t It…


I thought this shade needed Angelica but now he takes her by force and wanting her blood just like that without knowing if she can help him he makes no sense at all 🤔