
Comments of chapter undefined of Heart of Darkness


I’m thinking that Angelica memories are there to help her see where the others went wrong. With the hopes to be able to beat Constantine without any getting hurt


So Lucrezia knows about Constantine but can’t or won’t help in regards to him. I wonder why… And also, I miss Angelica and Rayven!!


He's such a great brother,always thinking bout his sister.❤️ Is one of William's desire to have the king as a father figure? Relieved that Lucrezia helped in a way But seems like Constantine is a no no subject for her...what history do they have?


He is such a sweet brother and just person in general. i cant wait for him to be a man either ❤️ I am nervous about the payment though


Ha! For a moment there I was hopeful we would get some more substantial information!!! Oh Lord, give us patience. At least we found out about the prophetic mind that passes on from prophet to prophet carrying the previous prophet’s memories. It isn’t like Angelica has Ramona’s mind. In any case it would be William who has it or it got split between the two. But as far as I understood, what is called the prophetic mind is just a set of abilities that come to dwell in a person when they find him/her to be the right host. They settle in a body with a mind of its own. As they pass on, they accumulate the knowledge and experience of the previous hosts. In the past I think I theorized about a collective conscience. Well, I guess this isn’t very far. I also thought that for some reason Angelica kept some of the memories, probably because she was female… I remember saying I was glad as those memories would be too much for a young boy to carry and understand. Since I like to believe in destiny and in everything happening for a reason, I think that the fact that Angelica has those memories must mean something, that they must serve some purpose. That unlocking the past may be the way to solve the future, that the key of how to deal with Constantine lies in them. Let’s hope. As for Lucrezia´s garden… can’t help thinking that the place means something, that it is significant to her. Something from her past, perhaps? Maybe a place that was dear to her before she was punished, before she became a punisher herself? Could this be how the garden ended up this way? She sounds just like Rayven not long ago loving only dark and dead things… but I doubt it was always this way. God knows what happened to her, what she did… I keep thinking about that unpleasant first time. Was she perhaps fooled by a shade as young girl? Were there terrible consequences from that affair? She’s twisted, strategic and dark. But I also sense an act. She’s patient and she really tries. I have wondered in the past what she means to accomplish by forcing Skender to marry. If she has foreseen something or is hoping it will trigger something in him, make him react. But, as with Rayven, she does seem to have the best interest to help him at heart. Also very interested in the whole payment deal. Just Like William and Skender are linked together I am confident William and Lucrezia hold a future together, romantic or not (though I do hope it will be romantic in the end). Knowing too much might be dangerous for William and that may be why she’s not telling him (that and she needs the rest of the demons to work and team-up). As for the other payment… let’s just hope their relationship will grow and that our hopes will pay up! Either way, we’ll have to keep waiting and reading, I see no other way. Just as Rayven had a red dot in his heart, those red roses stand for something living amidst all the death and darkness, some hope (or so I hope) in her heart. 🌹🌹🌹🌹


That chapter could have gone on and on for me. Keep talking Lucrezia and let us know all the answers to the mysteries we have been wondering for months!


As always, William again demonstrates he would do anything for his sister.


I think Lucrezia and Constantine were a thing. I bet he was her first. That's why she doesn't want to go there.


Constantine seems to be a sour topic for everyone, but he isn’t going to just walk away, so I wonder why our most fearless punisher is so adamant about not helping any of them on this matter. Perhaps, Lucrezia couldn’t bring herself to punish William in such a way 😏


Lucrezia is so mysterious!!! I just wanna know all the things!!! And sweet sweet William. Ever the heart of gold, that one 💛 Always looking out for his sister. I love the siblings and their mutual love and protection.


I found the interaction between William and Lucrezia to be closer to adult to adult instead of adult to child. Lucrezia just helped William to better understand what makes him so different from other children his age and humans in general. I am itching to know what Rayven and Angelica are going to do next. Will they remain on their honeymoon for a few more days or will they return to where they consider home to deal with a particular “shady” character.


William is just a kind soul for his age. I love how he wants to protect his sister. I hope he finds answers to his problems, and to get that father figure he's been so wanting. I wonder what kind of request Lucrezia is asking of him in return to helping William. (If she does) Now I have more questions...😅 I can't wait to find out . Thanks Jazzy!


Hope William doesn’t sacrifice Himself for Angelica, he deserves to grow up and find his meaning


She is stopping him from paying the cost to stop Constantine. She cares more than she lets on. Wonder if William will speak with Angelica about his new knowledge.


I believe Shades were once Demons or vice versa and Constantine and Lucrezia have a past. Be it romantic in nature or familial relation. 🤔


This was an interesting chapter but created more questions. I definitely think Angel and Will having a split prophetic mind is a advantage to beating our shady character. How this advantage is utilized will be key.


You know what, forget about wishing I have a Rayven or an Acheron man. I wish I have a brother like William. He is so thoughtful, caring, protective, selfless and all that nice things you can ask from a brother. I feel like I'd have courage facing the world or going out knowing I have a brother like him to back me up.


We always learn si much in William's perspective! 😍😍😍 The boy with the hundreds of years old mind, that would like his body to somehow match his wisdom 😔 I need William to be happy and feel loved and stop worrying for his people to be killed or kill themselves 🥺 His empathy makes him see across Lucrezia's façade and that is beautiful. They have a special connection that I can't wait to read about 😌 Thanks for the wonderful chapters, Jasmine!


Sweet William! The hope is Skennder will end up to be a father figire for him. He deserves that relationship. It was interesting how the profifectic explanation of William and Angelica is all unfoldIng. Hopefully, the combina tion of WIlliams gIft and Angelica will forge and be able to help defeat the theat to both of them. The swift from Rayven and Angelica to William and Skennder just keeps the Chapters so intreeging and wanting more! -All the Reviews are just as much interesting to read to see how each person has things to add gives you more to think about!🤔


I just realized it's not an update day...